About Ms. Kowalski

Hello everyone! My name is Miss Kowalski. I have received my Bachelors in Science in Secondary Education and Mathematics from the University of Scranton. I have also completed my Masters in Education at Arcadia University. At Sun Valley, I have taught Algebra 2, Honors Algebra 2, and Intro to Calculus. I am the sponsor for the National Math Honors Society, the advisor for the class of 2021, and the Coach for Northley's 8th grade Girls' soccer team. I am very excited to work with each of you! My syllabus,

homework, class calendar, and announcements can be found on our schoology class website. Please contact me with

any questions or concerns.

Email Address: nkowalski@pdsd.org

Class Website: pdsd.schoology.com

Twitter: @ms_nkowalski