About Ms. Jankowski

Hello Students and Families,

My name is Helena Jankowski (Ms. J) and I am your child's teacher this year! This is my fifth year teaching, but I am brand new to McCutcheon Elementary. I wanted to introduce myself and give you a bit of information about our classroom this year.

Room 104 Overview:

In our classroom, we have thirteen students in grades Kindergarten through Second Grade. There are four educational assistants in the classroom: Ms. Z, Ms. Tran, Ms. Elena, and Mr. Pollard. We have an AMAZING team!

Family Communication:

In our classroom, I will send out monthly letters describing the units (topics) we will be discussing that month. Also, there will be a daily binder sent home that describes what your child did at school. Please fill this out and send it back to school every day so we can continue to communicate throughout the school year. You are welcome to email, text, or call me as well.


This classroom is called a "cluster" special education class. Cluster programs are designed for students requiring a significantly modified curriculum with moderate to intensive supports in a separate classroom from general education peers for the majority of the day (over 61% of the day). We focus on essential curriculum, as well as skills that promote independence and daily living. Students will be with their general education peers during lunch, recess, and specials (Art, Music, and PE).

Thank You! I'm looking forward to a great school year!

Ms. Jankowski

Get in contact with me here.