Where to get More InfoRMATION


Many different concepts and technologies are covered in this website. These cover a wide range of resources, including from the scientific literature, government reports, media releases, popular science websites, and other resources. Below are links to external websites where additional information can be obtained.

Sea level rise:

  • NOAA OCM Sea Level Rise Viewer - a great visualization tool to see the potential flooding impacts from sea level in your area (US only)
  • Climate Central Surging Seas - another great visualization tool and lots of facts related to sea level risks in your area (US only)
  • CERA Storm surge risk model - a research tool that provides real-time estimates of surge flooding during storm events (experimental)
  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - the definitive place to go for updates on all things related to future climate effects around the globe. The reports are updated every 5 years or so.
  • AGU Earth's Future 2018 Special Issue - ecological effects of sea level rise on coastal marshes, focuses on Gulf of Mexico.

Remote Sensing and Mapping:

Coastal marshes:

Ecosystem Services/Restoration:

  • EPA Coastal Wetlands - an overview of the importance of protecting the ecosystem services provided by these habitats.
  • Coastal Blue Carbon - introduction to the important role of coastal habitats in removing carbon from the atmosphere.
  • Restore America's Estuaries - using the practice of living shorelines to help offset marsh loss and provide services.
  • MDEQ (MS Department of Environmental Quality) RESTORE - restoration in Mississippi after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010.

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