What do people think? I'm quite impressed with the glossy look of it all. There are plenty of different plot types to play with, just tweak the properties to your hearts content! This snapshot shows two plots in one control, same data plotted in different styles, with different colours and transparency levels.

The next step would be to encapsulate the .NET calls in an XControl to hide the (relative) complexity of working with the .NET API. This type of programmatic configuration is pretty common when using .NET control libraries and is not as clean as most LabVIEW users are used to. The XControl would leave you with a much easier to use LabVIEW-type terminal.

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One technique that can be used to really speed up the drawing of .NET controls is to use whatever the controls equivalent of "Defer Updates" is - in this case there is a hide() and show() method which literally makes the control disappear, but has the upside of dramatically decreasing the rendering time. Some other .NET controls have similar methods, some of which simply freeze the control instead of hiding it.

Also, sometimes it can be worth writing a small wrapper assembly in c# to make the number crunching part of the control more LabVIEW friendly (e.g. something that could take a LabVIEW array and place the For Loop inside the .NET environment. This makes a big difference as the .NET/LabVIEW boundary is normally a choke point for any LabVIEW/.NET coding (my understanding is that its to do with the fact that the LabVIEW and .NET models are so different and therefore a lot of NI-Voodoo has to happen behind the scenes).

A Chart Control is a User Control option that enables you to display chart data in Enterprise Portal. A Chart Control provides good performance because the data needed for the chart to display is contained in the data set.

A related group of data points. Each series has an associated chart type. The number of series that a chart can display and how it displays the series depends on the chart type you specify. This element corresponds to the Series class.

An RDP class contains X++ business logic to process data to display in a chart. Using an RDP class as a data source allows you to process the data at the time the chart is displayed, so the data is real time. To use an RDP class, set the DataType property of the AXChartDataSource to ReportDataProvider. You must provide an RDP class, data contract class, and a temp table to access data from an RDP class data source.

An analysis cube consists of a set of measures and dimension attributes that provides the data to display in a chart. Using an analysis cube as a data source allows you to provide a snapshot of data from when the cube was processed. To use an analysis cube, set DataType property of the AXChartDataSource to MDXQuery. You must provide an MDX query to access data from a deployed and processed cube.

It is a best practice to understand the data that will display in the chart and then decide how the data should be displayed. For information about which type of chart to use for your data, see Chart Types.

Two important properties of the Chart class are the Series and ChartAreas properties, both of which are collection properties. The Series collection property stores Series objects, which are used to store data that is to be displayed, along with attributes of that data. The ChartAreas collection property stores ChartArea objects, which are primarily used to draw one or more charts using one set of axes.

Invalidates the specified region of the control (adds it to the control's update region, which is the area that will be repainted at the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the control. Optionally, invalidates the child controls assigned to the control.

Invalidates the specified region of the control (adds it to the control's update region, which is the area that will be repainted at the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the control.

I had to select 'Show All' on the toolbox in order to even see the chart option, but now it is disabled and when I attempt to click and drag I get a error icon as my mouse pointer.I tried to upload the image that shows the disabled chart, but SO wouldnt let me.

This is how I included chart in .net 3.5. Download the dll from " ". You can check the license there. Now open visual studio/visual c# express(In my case it is Visual C# express 2008). Go to Tools->Choose ToolBox Items-> In the window there would be a "browse" button in the bottom side. Browse the downloaded dll. Now it will show the "Chart" control in the same window's ".Net Framework Components" tab.Now click on it and press "OK". Now go to your toolbox , there you can find the "Chart" Control.

In my Asp.Net 4.0 C# application I wanted to use chart control. Is there any chart control designed to work with asp.net 4.0 where my application is going to be deployed with the Azure Frame work. Suggest me with any informative links to move forward

A chart can operate in bound or unbound mode. In unbound mode, you can manually create and position series points. In bound mode, a chart or an individual series visualizes data from its data source (an object that implements the IList, IListSource, or IBindingList interface and is assigned to the chart or series DataSource property).

Learn how to create a backend service with user authentication and role-based access control within a few clicks. Use the wizard to create a Web API service and use it with you .NET MAUI application.

You can use one of 10 built-in color palettes or create a custom palette according to your brand colors in a few seconds. Flexible theme mechanism allows you to dynamically generate Material Design 3 palettes based on the current system settings. You can seamlessly integrate and harmonize colors across both DevExpress and standard controls, ensuring a unified and visually stunning user interface.

Our .NET MAUI component library includes a comprehensive suite of chart types including bar charts, pie graphs, line graphs and financial diagrams. The DevExpress .NET MAUI Chart control includes numerous UI/UX configuration options so you can customize your chart and deliver the best possible data visualization experience.

With our MAUI Data Form control you will easily create registration forms, employee profiles, shipping address information, and everything in between. The Data Form control automatically generates data inputs (editors) for each field in the business object. Our .NET MAUI library also includes form components (picker, check, toggle switch) designed to simplify the development of data entry forms for mobile apps.

.NET MAUI Navigation UI controls will help you deliver intuitive mobile apps with straightforward navigation and content organization options. As you would expect, our .NET MAUI Tab View control allows you to organize content into relevant sections.

.NET MAUI Bottom Sheet control displays supplementary content within a modal or non-modal form at the bottom of the screen. You can use the Bottom Sheet control to display master-detail data, information about selected items on a map, filter options, dialogs with multiple actions, and much more.

Use our .NET MAUI Project Templates for Visual Studio 2022 to quickly generate your new cross-platform .NET MAUI application. Your project will include references to all DevExpress .NET MAUI NuGet packages and will register all required handlers (the main page will also declare XAML namespaces for all DevExpress UI controls).

Today, we are announcing .NET Core 3.0 Preview 4. It includes a chart control for Windows Forms, HTTP/2 support, GC updates to use less memory, support for CPU limits with Docker, the addition of PowerShell in .NET Core SDK Docker container images, and other improvements. If you missed it, check out the improvements we released in .NET Core 3.0 Preview 3 just last month.

The System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization package (which includes the chart control) is now available on NuGet, for .NET Core. You can now include this control in your .NET Core WinForms applications!

Tiered compilation (TC) is a runtime feature that is able to control the compilation speed and quality of the JIT to achieve various performance outcomes. It is enabled by default in .NET Core 3.0 builds.

TX Text Control for Windows Forms supports the insertion of chart controls of the type System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart. This control is part of the .net framework since version 4, but can be added to prior versions. A chart can be positioned like an image or textframe, either geometrically or as a single character. Geometrically its position can either be relative to a paragraph to which it is anchored or relative to the complete document. The ChartFrame class handles the positioning of the chart in the document. A chart frame is always associated with a chart control which handles the appearance and the data of the chart. All charts in a document are contained in a ChartCollection. The collection can also be used to add charts to or to remove charts from the document. The chart collection can be obtained from a TextControl or ServerTextControl through the Charts property. The TextControl.ChartLayoutDialog method opens a dialog box which offers layout settings like positioning, size and text distances. A chart can be saved with the TX Text Control and the RTF format and is reconstructed during a loading process. With other formats the chart image is saved. If a document with charts is loaded on a system where no chart controls are installed, the chart's image is inserted.

Microsoft today announced the (out-of-band) release of the ASP.NET Chart Control for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5. The ASP.NET Chart Control is a free, full-featured chart control package which enables developers to easily add rich data visualization to ASP.NET and Windows Forms applications. 006ab0faaa

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