Pre-Departure Preprartions

To prepare for my study abroad experience, I have researched as much as possible about Swedish education, culture, language, and norms. Scandinavia is extremely different from anywhere I have visited so far, so I am eager to be immersed in their lifestyle. In addition, I have done my best to prepare for the chilly Northern European weather Sweden is known for during the months that usually brings the beginning of Springtime here in Kentucky.  

Before departing, I have communicated back and forth consistently with some of my mentor teachers at my placement school, Birgittaskolan, Ms. Hannah Pålsson and Mr. Refik Durakovic. They teach various subjects including History, English, and Economics at Birgittaskolan. After communicating with my future mentors and the program directors at WKU, Stephanie Martin and Cindy White, it is my understanding that secondary education at the high schools in Sweden is treated similarly to the level of our universities here in the United States. I look forward to seeing how this is accomplished and what methods I can take back home with me to build a similar culture in my classroom.