Google Classroom

In an effort to be as paperless as possible, we will be using Google Classroom to assign and distribute the majority, if not all, of our work this year. Google Classroom is a tool that allows teachers and students to organize and complete assignments in a digital environment.

Logging In


If you are using a school Chromebook, it will only work if you log in with your Barberton account. Personal email accounts will not work on school Chromebooks. This is true whether you are using the Chromebook at school or at home.


You can, however, use your Barberton account on any other device as well as your school Chromebook. Either way, the login information is the same...


PASSWORD: your lunch number

Click the icon above to enter our Google Classroom.

Parent/Guardian Help

If you are a parent or guardian looking to learn about Google Classroom, this document can help. You can also contact me to ask any questions you may have.

Parents Guide to Google Classroom