Shalach Manot

Support the MRT Sisterhood 

Send Shalach Manot to Family, Friends, MRT staff or teachers!

Once again enjoy our Treat Bags with hamentashen baked by Sisterhood!

One of the sweetest Purim traditions is sending gifts of food and drink.

Shalach Manot: Why we do it!

This is the primary fundraiser of the year for MRT Sisterhood. Joining in the

Shalach Manot exchange helps subsidize many MRT and Religious School programs.

These are gifts of good will and celebration for those you love, wish to thank, work

with, or would like to get to know.

Back this year! Add a Personal Message .....

Bring or send the tallied pages along with your check to the MRT office

by Sunday, March 10th ...No Lollygaggers allowed.

Cost: $5 per recipient

$36 for ten (10) recipients

$72 for the entire MRT community

And Back by Popular demand .....

Take home boxes of Homemade Hamentashen (1 dozen) ...$10.00 each

Please make check payable to MRT Sisterhood and include your tally form.

Click here for the tally and order form.

Drop or mail to MRT office, 332 Hance Avenue, Tinton Falls, NJ 07724

Or Pay via Zelle to Karen Levinsky 732-690-1992 

If paying via Zelle, please use this form to enter your Shalach Manot message, or

e-mail your Shalach Manot message to Meryl Smith at

Recipients will pick up one package with a note with the names of the well-wishers and their

personal messages! Pick up at MRT Services 3/22, the Purim Spiel 3/23 or Sunday 3/24 during

Religious School or the Purim Carnival, or in the temple office before March 31st