Mrs. V's Kindergarten

Welcome to kindergarten! I am excited to learn and grow with your students this year. The vision for our classroom is to have a safe and positive learning environment in which all students feel valued and respected. In our class, we will learn important academic and social skills by: 

**We will have snack at 10:30 each morning. Students are welcome to bring a snack. I will also have a snack to share. Please send in dry snacks and not items like yogurt or pouches. This helps us keep our classroom clean. Also, please do not send in drinks besides water for snack time. If you would like to donate snacks, it is greatly appreciated but not expected or required.  If you do choose to donate, please do not send in snacks that need to be refrigerated. 

**Handle With Care: I want to be as supportive as possible for your child. If he/she is coming to school after a difficult morning, evening, or weekend, feel free to email/send in a note, simply stating “handle with care.” I will never ask for details or ask any questions. I will just know that your child may need some extra time, patience, or help during the day.