Meet the Teacher

Hello and welcome to kindergarten. We are going to have a year full of learning and fun! I am very excited to introduce myself as one of the kindergarten teachers at Jordan Bank! I obtained my Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from West Chester University and received a Masters in Literacy. This will be my eleventh year teaching and my ninth year teaching kindergarten. Prior to Oxford, I spent years teaching in the Phoenixville Area School District and Wallingford-Swarthmore School District. I absolutely cherish instilling the love of learning to Oxford´s youngest students. 

Please feel free to contact me throughout the school year with any questions or concerns and I will always try my best to respond as promptly as possible!

All About Mrs. Thompson

Birthday: July 27th 

Colors: hot pink and lime green

Favorite Food: Anything Spicy :)

Favorite Flower: Daisy 

Favorite Hobbies: Cooking, Reading, and Spending Time with Family

Fun Facts: I am married to another Oxford teacher who teaches P.E. at Hopewell.  We live in Willow Street, PA with our daughters, Cecilia (Ceci) and Shay.