Grizzly Parents

Hello Parents of Sixth Graders!

My goal for your child as they embark on this journey is to help them have a successful academic and social experience.

First, I am so glad to be your child’s teacher! I 've taught in the Pasco School District for 17 plus years and each year has been unique and rewarding in its own way. One of my goals is to always be a POSITIVE adult; one who is happy to be with middle school age children each day, so your child feels like they are in a comfortable, safe environment.

Middle school can be a very challenging time socially, emotionally, and academically for students. It is not the time to step away from being involved in your child’s life. They don’t automatically have superior organizational skills once they start this endeavor. In fact, most of them need additional help staying organized, preparing for due dates, knowing when and where to turn in assignments, and advocating for themselves when they need help. I am here to teach all those things along with core content but having someone at home for support is invaluable.

Know that I am here on your side, wanting the best possible education for your child. Distance learning is not ideal, to say the least, but we will make the best of it until we are together in the classroom. My email is and my phone number is XXX-XXX-XXXX . I don’t answer emails or phone calls during class, but promptly check both before and after school hours.

I look forward to meeting and working with you!

Melanie Primus