Number, Ratio and Proportion

Calculating with whole numbers

Directed (negative) numbers

Divisibility tests

Highest / Greatest Common Factor (HCF / GCF)

Least / Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)

Long Division

Multiplying using column multiplication

Multiplying using the grid method

Order of Operations (BIDMAS / PEMDAS)

The UK money system

The US money system

Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

Adding and Subtracting with negative fractions

Adding and Subtracting fractions

Adding and Subtracting mixed numbers

Compound interest

Consumer math / Best buys

Decimal numbers

Dividing by decimals

Expressing fractions as pictures

Fractions of amounts

Improper fractions and mixed numbers

Multiplying decimals by powers of 10

Multiplying decimals by whole numbers and decimals

Multiplying fractions

Ordering decimals

Ordering fractions, decimals and percentages

Percentage change - Find the original amount

Percentage increases and decreases

Percentages of amounts


Repeating Recurring decimals

Recurring decimals to fractions

Simple interest

Simplifying fractions

Writing an amount as a percentage of another

Rounding and accuracy

Estimating calculations by rounding

Rounding to decimal places

Rounding to significant figures

Rounding to the nearest 1, 10, 100…

Indices / exponents, surds and Standard Form

Adding and Subtracting numbers in standard form / scientific notation

Exponent / Index Laws I

Exponent Index Laws II

Multiplying dividing numbers in standard form scientific notation

Square roots

Standard form / scientific notation

Ratio and Proportion

Direct Proportion

Proportional relationships

Ratio Scale drawings

Simplifying ratios Finding unit ratios

Solving proportions / Recipe questions

Geometry / shape, space and measures

Lines and Angles

Angles in parallel lines

Complementary and Supplementary angles

Exterior angles of polygons

Finding angles in a triangle and quadrilateral

Interior angles in polygons

Parallel, perpendicular and intersecting lines

Area and Perimeter

Area of circles

Area of compound shapes (rectangles and triangles)

Area of rectangles and parallelograms

Circumference of circles

Perimeter and Area - changes in scale

Perimeter of 2D shapes

Surface area of cubes and cuboids / rectangular prisms

Surface area of prisms / pyramids

Volume and surface area of cones

Volume and surface area of cylinders

Volume and surface area of pyramids

Volume of cubes and cuboids / rectangular prisms

Volume of prisms

Properties of 2D and 3D shapes / Similarity

Classifying quadrilaterals

Classifying triangles

Cross-sections of 3D shapes

Elevations (Plan top, side and front views)

Finding the distance between two points (Pythagoras)

Graphing triangles and quadrilaterals

Identifying 3D shapes

Nets of 3D shapes

Parts of a circle

Pythagoras' Theorem

Similar and congruent shapes I

Similar solids


Converting between metric and customary / imperial units

Customary measurements (UK)

Customary measurements (US)

Metric Units

Rates of change introduction

Time calculations


Line and Rotational symmetry

Transformations – Reflection I

Transformations – Reflection II

Transformations – Rotation I

Transformations – Rotation II

Transformations – Translation (including vectors)

Transformations – Enlargement / Dilation I

Transformations – Enlargement / Dilation II


Algebraic manipulation, substitution and expressions

Adding and Subtracting monomials

Evaluating absolute value expressions

Expanding brackets I

Factorisation I

Identifying monomials and polynomials

Multiplying and dividing monomials

Simplifying algebra

Substituting into algebraic expressions I

Substituting into algebraic expressions II

Writing simple algebraic expressions

Equations and formulae

Finding values using two-variable equations

Forming and solving linear equations

Inequalities on a number line

One- and two-step equations

One-step inequalities

Solving a system of equations / simultaneous equations algebraically

Solving a system of equations / simultaneous equations by substitution

Solving multi-step equations / x on both sides

Two- and multi-step inequalities

Sequences, Functions and Graphs

Coordinates (one- and four-quadrant)

Finding the nth term of an arithmetic sequence

Generating terms of a sequence using the nth term

Gradients of parallel and perpendicular lines

Graphing proportional relationships

Graphs in standard form Implicit form

Identifying arithmetic and geometric sequences

Point-slope form

Slope-intercept form y=mx+c and gradient

Straight-line graphs / Two-variable graphing

Handling Data


Averages (Mean, Mode, Median, Range)

Mean from a frequency table

Median from a frequency table

Quartiles and Inter-quartile Range (IQR)

Representative, random and biased samples

Graphs and Charts

Bar Charts

Box-and-whisker plots I

Frequency tables

Independent and dependent variables

Line graphs

Pictographs / Pictograms and line plots

Scatter graphs and correlation

Stem-and-leaf diagrams


Calculating the probability of an event

Combinations and Permutations (nCr and nPr)

Dependent and Independent events

Experimental probability and relative frequency


Probability of mutually exclusive / overlapping events

Venn Diagrams

Get in touch at mrsmartmaths@gmail.com