
The Research:

In honor of All Saints Day (November 1 st), each fourth grader will choose one saint to research. Students will spend some class time researching and reading about their saint.  We will also work on writing down our notes and then organizing them into a rough and final draft.  However, if a student needs additional time that what can be allotted in the classroom, some work may need to be completed at home.

The Visual Enrichment:

Students will create a visual enrichment to enhance the presentation.  The visual enrichment must be completed at home.  This could be done in one of the following methods below.  Each different entrenchment should include:

*Please see handout that was sent home for exact due dates*


The Presentation:

Students will read their report and show their visual enrichment.

Please help your child create a costume to represent their saint.  Be creative!  Students will need their costume for the Mass at the Coliseum with the Bishop as well as at the All School's Mass at St. Louis Academy  All family members are invited to the All School's Mass.  The fourth graders will also be having a Wax Museum on the day of our Mass.

*Please see handout that was sent home for exact dates*

*St. Joseph- Lincoln

*St. Joan of Arc- Ruth

*St. Rita- Rita

*St. Catherine of Siena- Ally

*St. Clare of Assisi- Avery

 * Blessed Fulton Sheen- Parker

*St. Kateri Tekakwitha- Kynslee

*St. Louis- Drake

*St. Peter the Apostle- Gus

*St. Francis Assisi- Jackson

*St. Maria Goretti- Molly

*St. Mary Frances (of the 5 wounds of Jesus)- Sally

*St. Teresa of Calcutta- Grace

*St. Michael the Archangel- James

*St. Catherine of Alexandria- Amelia


St. Lucy

St. Sebastian

St. Therese of Lisieux

St. Clare

St. Dorthy

St. George

St. Rose of Lima

St. Andrew

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton