Healthy Snack Suggestions - Anything that you send for your child, they should be able to open by themselves.

Body Safety Videos - Please click here to view our Erin's Law videos - Body Safety Videos

Volunteer Sign Up Background Check - If you or anyone in your family is planning on helping in the classroom or in the school, a background check MUST be filled out. Some new protocols have been put in place since COVID, such as providing proof of vaccination. If you have any questions about this process, please contact the front office.

Our reading curriculum is Journeys, the same as in Kindergarten. We start the year by learning 6 sight words a week. Many of these words they were exposed to and learned in Kindergarten but it is still important to practice them everyday. In 1st grade they will be introduced to over 150 words throughout the year. Below you can click on the button to have your student watch sight word videos to help keep them practicing.

Here is a link to the 1st grade standards for English Language Arts which also include Writing. Standards

This is a link to a page all about our new math program LearnZillion!

Here you can click onto our Dreambox Math games which we do in class everyday. There are lots of great games and lessons for students to do to practice their math skills.

Here is our letter for how to get started with Dreambox at home. If you are in need of your child's log-in information, please reach out and ask. Dreambox Letter

Path of Motion or the correct formation of letters in writing is very important. Students should be starting all of their letters from the top and moving down - not down and moving up.

We will be focusing on handwriting A LOT throughout the year but especially at the start of school. Here is a path of motion guide that matches the letters in our classroom so students can remember the correct formation.

Letters Path of Motion