Mental/Emotional/Social Health

Self-esteem: valuing ourselves and believing that others appreciate us and enjoy our company

Body Image:

  1. Perceptual body image: how you see your body
  2. Affective body image: how you feel about your body
  3. Cognitive body image: how you think about your body
  4. Behavioral body image: the way you behave as a result of your perceptual, affective, and cognitive body image

Kids Health website (go under Teen tab) Kids Health

Violence: is an act or threat that hurts a person or object physically (such as hitting, kicking) or verbally (such as insults, yelling)

Anxiety: the condition of feeling uneasy or worried about what may happen.

Foundations of Healthy Relationships/Communication

  • Relationship: is a bond or connection you have with other people
  • Friendship: is a significant relationship between two people that is based on trust, caring, and consideration
  • Citizenship: the way you conduct yourself as a member of the community
  • Cooperation: working together for the good of all
  • Compromise: is a problem-solving method in which each participant gives up something to reach a solution that satisfies everyone
  • Prejudice: is an unfair opinion or judgement of a particular group of people
  • Stereotype: is an exaggerated or oversimplified belief about people who belong to a certain group
  • Tolerance: is the ability to accept other's differences
  • Bullying: deliberately harming or threatening other people who cannot easily defend themselves
  • Hazing: making others perform certain tasks in order to join the group
  • Aggressive: overly forceful, pushy, hostile
  • Passive: unwilling or unable to express thoughts and feelings in a direct or firm manner
  • Assertive: expressing your views clearly and respectfully
  • "I" Message: is a statement that focuses on your feelings rather than on someone else's behavior
  • Active listening: paying close attention to what someone is saying and communicating
  • Body Language: is nonverbal communication through gestures, facial expressions, behaviors, and posture
  • Affirmation: is positive feedback that helps others feel appreciated and supported
  • Clique: is a small circle of friends, usually with similar backgrounds or tastes, who exclude people viewed as outsiders
  • Peer Pressure: the influence of that people your age may have on you
  • Harassment: persistently annoying others
  • Manipulation: indirect, dishonest way to control or influence other people

Take assertive quiz to learn how assertive you are:

Conflict Resolution Vocabulary:

  • Communication: the process of sending and receiving messages from others
  • Conciliatory: to make someone friendlier or less angry
  • Conflict: a disagreement, dispute, or fight between people with opposing points of view
  • Conflict Resolution: the process of settling a conflict by cooperating and problem solving
  • Defensive: behaving in a way that shows that you feel people are criticizing you
  • Empathy: the skill of thinking about what it would be like in another's place
  • Interpersonal skills: the ability to relate to others in a socially appropriate, meaningful way
  • Mediation: intervention between conflicting parties to promote reconciliation, settlement, or compromise
  • Resolution: the act of finding an answer or solution to a conflict or problem

Create a Word Cloud. Here is one site that you could use to do this:

  • Please include at least 20 words about healthy communication, relationships, and/or conflict management