Things To Know

Things you need to know.....

Snacks: Each day please send your child with a healthy snack and water bottle. Please do not send soda or juices. 

Every Friday students may bring money to purchase snack cart items. They may enjoy these snacks during snack time. (Any suckers, or soft drinks will be sent home for enjoyment)

Newsletters: Every Friday newsletters will be sent home, as well as weekly homework. Please read the newsletter carefully. 

Money: Any money sent to the school must be placed inside the students zipper pouch in his/her daily binder. Please label what the money is designated for i.e. lunch, PTO, etc...

Transportation: If you need to make a change for your child's transportation, we must have a note sent in your child's zipper pouch. Please do not send me an email or message on Class Dojo. Many times, I will not be able to receive this in time for dismissal.