NPS Music Dept.


Students and Parents!

Welcome back! I hope everything is going well for you and your family. This summer has been crazy long. I am ready to get back to work. I hope your students are too! I have missed them and their talents.If you ever have any questions let me know.

Mrs. Schweitzer


Music Calendar


PARENTS: When you and your child(ren) read through the syllabus I sent home with them. Please sign the form. I am not using google classroom this year. Everything will be done in person. You may also add yourself to the remind app to keep updated as well for events happening. Thank you.

Remind App Codes

5th Grade: Please use Seesaw

6th Grade: Band - @nhs6band / Choir - @nhs6choir

7th & 8th Grade: Band - @nhsjhband / Choir - @nhsjhchoir

High School: Band - @hsbandgeek / Choir - @nhshschoirs

Google Classroom Codes

5th Grade: Please use Seesaw

6th Grade: Band - qef7vza / Choir - 6nlgc2q

7th & 8th Grade: Band - c222xmc / Choir - gyf34p3

High School: Band - 5cqyn6k / Choir - db45b44

No matter the distance or how far apart, music will always be in the heart!

Location: 5705 15th Ave SE, Minot ND, USA 58701

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 9:00 am / 2:45 pm - 4:00 pm


Music Room Phone: 701-418-1555

School Phone: 701 - 838-5550

Website: (look under staff and click on my name!)