This week in 11A...

We had our first "Classroom Economy" session on Friday and students were very excited! Bankers handed out paychecks and bonuses while Police Officers handed out fines.  Students learned how to log their bank accounts and determine their bank account balances. 

If possible, please collect 12" x 12" pieces of cardboard for our salt dough maps.  Thank you!

Language Arts:  We are continuing to explore figurative language within Tiger Rising, our class novel. Students will not receive a new spelling/vocab list this week. 

Math:  We will finish module 1 this week and students will take the end-of-module test the following week. 

Social Studies:  Students are learning about the "4 Regions of California" and will create a map of California this week.

Writing:  Students are continuing their personal narratives while  learning how to avoid run-on sentences and fragments.

Important Dates:

Important Parent Forms & Information:

PTA Reminders: (