Mrs. Proctor
Middle School Math at
West Jordan Middle School
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Classroom Expectations
Be prepared: have all materials including writing utensils, homework assignments, workbooks, and math binders with you at the start of class.
Be present: attendance is critical to your learning and success in math class and only you can control your attendance. Don't fall behind in class for poor attendance or tardiness.
Be courteous: show the teacher and your classmates respect by giving your attention to the teacher during lectures and participating in group work and class discussions. Respect school property.
Be a good citizen: follow all school rules and policies
Suggested Supplies for 7th and 8th grade math (in order of importance)
3 -ring binder
Pencils or pens
Loose leaf paper for note-taking
Colored pencils, pens or highlighters to color code notes
Calculator for home use. Click here for my calculator recommendations
Donations to the classroom are always appreciated!
Although these items are not required, they are always appreciated as donations to the class:
Antibacterial wipes
Hand sanitizer
Paper towels
Pencil-top erasers
Hand-held erasers
Clear tape
Dry erase markers
Colored pencils
Lined paper