This year the second graders will be receiving the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion. Teaching specifically about each sacrament usually begins one month ahead of receiving these sacraments, although these topics are intertwined with our lessons throughout the year. We will watch videos, role play, discuss, and read stories about children receiving the sacraments.

First Reconciliation: December 4th and December 5th 

First Communion: Tentative Date-April 21st

Prayers to Know

Act of Contrition

My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and

failing to do good, I have sinned against you whom I should love above all

things. I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid

whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior Jesus Christ suffered and died for us.

In his name, my God, have mercy. Amen


Praying the Rosary.pdf