Lower Grade Reading Group

We will use the Fundations and ReadyGen reading curriculum this year. We will also use IREADY for assessment and independent work.

To join our Google Classroom, please sign in with your @nyc students.net email address and use this code:

Step 1: Go to classroom.google.com

Step 2: Enter your email address.

Step 3: Click the + sign to join a class.

Step 4: Type in the code: vgbsqvk

Helpful Reading Websites:

Read and listen to lots of great stories.

Sites with book reviews, interviews, author sites, and bookish podcasts!

International Children’s Digital Library

Choose from lots of books in lots of languages!

NY Public Library Resources (including TrueFlix, FreedomFlix, and Tumblebooks!)

Roy the Zebra

Fun guided reading stories.


Fiction and nonfiction.

Storyline Online