
Welcome! The yearbook staff has been planning and working tirelessly on the yearbook. We are planning on doing a chronological book this year. We will be covering each month separately, and as more (hopefully) starts happening, we will cover as we go. The good news in, we will be covering everything THROUGH graduation. The bad news is, we won't get the books until late July again. We have decided that we would rather create a more thorough book and have it arrive a little later instead of finishing the book in March (like we usually do). Please keep an eye out for emails requesting quotes, data collection and photos!

Current Yearbook Surveys

Yearbook Orders:

Books will be for sale on (code 7188)


Before 10/11, $86

10/12-11/16, $91

11/17-12/30, $100

Senior Ads:

Ads will be for sale on (code 7188)


Before 9/28, $75

9/29-10/19, $100

10/20-12/18, $125