Our math curriculum at Scholar Academy is Open-up Resources (OUR), a publisher for Illustrative Mathematics.  This course in Khan Academy follows along with units learned in our class.  Use this course for extra practice and to check your understanding.

Khan Academy's course is designed to hit the most important and basic skills in each grade.  The best way to check what gaps you may have, is to take the Course Challenge in each grade level.  This is designed as a short quiz to find what you need to review.  To find the Course Challenge, click on the grade level and scroll to the bottom of the list to "Start Course Challenge".

Khan Academy's Get Ready Courses are designed address prerequisites for the next grade level.  The best way to check what gaps you may have, is to start the Course Challenge.  This short quiz will help determine what you need to review.  You can also pick and choose the skills you want to work on as well as keep track of your progress.

To access other grades' "get ready" course, click on "Courses" from the navigation menu at the top (in blue).