English 9

In English 9, our overarching goal is to learn how to be successful and engaged high school Language Arts students. As we begin to deeply analyze our texts for meaning and work to make our writing more sophisticated, we are building a foundation that will hopefully help you to be successful in the rest of your high school classes. (You'll do a lot of reading and writing throughout this four-year adventure). One recurring theme we will address throughout our time together is how our individual stories connect to the stories of others and the greater story of society and our world as a whole, so keep this in mind as we read and study. It's my goal to meet each of you where you are at and to help you be successful, so please don't hesitate to reach out, set up a meeting, and ask for help!

*Please see Google Classroom for daily agendas and assignments.


For a full overview of the course expectations and units, please see our English 9 Course Expectations and Syllabus document. Parents, after you have read over the entire document, please fill our this Parent Syllabus Form

Class Agenda Slides: Unit #2: Lord of the Flies + Analysis Writing (October-December)

Class Agenda Slides: Unit #3: Persuasive Research Writing (January-March)

Points of Emphasis

Writing for Different Audiences and Purposes: How do we use the power of language to write for unique audiences and purposes? We will explore narrative, expository, analysis, and persuasive writing. 

Meaningful Reading and Analysis of Literature: How do we read books in a way that gets to the heart of the author's intended purpose and its significance in our lives and the world around us?

Honing of Language Arts Skills: How can I personally improve my reading comprehension, analysis, grammar, and writing skills?

Writing/Reading by Semester

First Semester: 

Second Semester:  

*This is the plan for now, but these are subject to change based on how the year plays out.