Travel Information

You conveniently reach the location by nonstop flights from Oslo-Gardemoen to Bardufoss with airline Norwegian. Recommended flights are provided below. Taking the later flight to Bardufoss will mean that you miss dinner, but sandwiches will be available. Alternatively, it is possible to travel with airline SAS directly from Oslo-Gardemoen to Tromsø and continue with bus (2 hours) to Bardufoss.

Recommended flights:

From Oslo to Bardufoss:
FLIGHT     DY 332 - NORWEGIAN AIR SHUTTLE                 SUN 13 JANUARY 2019
DEPARTURE: OSLO, NO (GARDERMOEN)                                 13 JAN 13:40
ARRIVAL:   BARDUFOSS, NO                                         13 JAN 15:30


FLIGHT     DY     - NORWEGIAN AIR SHUTTLE                 SUN 13 JANUARY 2019
DEPARTURE: OSLO, NO (GARDERMOEN)                                 13 JAN 18:30
ARRIVAL:   BARDUFOSS, NO                                         13 JAN 20:20                                      

From Bardufoss to Oslo:
FLIGHT     DY 337 - NORWEGIAN AIR SHUTTLE                 FRI 18 JANUARY 2019
DEPARTURE: BARDUFOSS, NO                                         18 JAN 17:15
ARRIVAL:   OSLO, NO (GARDERMOEN)                                 18 JAN 19:05