Jackson DBQ

How Democratic was Andrew Jackson?

1. Read the introductory essay and add any important points to your notes.

2. Organize what you know about Andrew Jackson around the five main topics. Use this graphic organizer to help.

2. Download a copy of the documents. Read them and annotate them as you go.

3. Use the OPVL template to analyze the documents

4. Group the documents into one of the following categories:

    • Extending power to the common man
    • The National Bank
    • The Spoils System
    • States' Rights
    • Native Americans

5. Add information about the documents to your graphic organizer.

6. Write a thesis statement and outline an essay that answers the question "How democratic was Andrew Jackson?" Be sure part of your answer includes a definition of democracy!

7. Write your essay.

Exemplars for evaluating the DBQ