Mr Penn's History Resources

I've made this site to allow students taking (or interested in) History to access all the resources we use in class.

All my revision resources are available on this site as well.

I've also included information about why studying History is a good option and tried to give you enough assistance to help you make an informed decision about whether studying it in the future is something that interests you.

If there is anything you would like to ask me (or suggestions you would like to make) then you can email me or come and see me at school.

Why should I study History?

What is History?

History helps us understand change and how the society we live in came to be.

The past causes the present, and so the future.

Most students who study history, select a focus, whether that be art history, ancient history, education history, military history, or based on a region, like European history. This means that while you may learn at great depth about one area of History, there will always be others available.

Three reasons to study History:

  1. Understand other cultures: history addresses questions such as “Why are other cultures different from ours?” or “Why are some cultures antagonistic, whereas others are not?”. By studying the past, you will learn more about what makes populations the way they are.
  2. Increase your understanding of national identities and societies: as a student of history, you will look into how nations were formed by an understanding of a shared past and a common identity. In addition, it makes societies better to learn from the past!
  3. Understand change: history is the study of change. The world is constantly changing, so understanding the role of change in society helps you interpret the world in its current state. History provides you with a firm grasp of why things change, the mechanisms driving change and its significance.

How to study History?

Students of history zoom in on the succession of events and work closely with original sources. Having progressed further in their studies, students can focus on a region, country or period in time (usually at degree).

You can begin by discovering the history of your interests. Every single subject, sport or activity has a history to it and so you will always be able to find something which interests you.

What kind of jobs can I get by studying History?

These specializations will help you decide which career path to take. History graduates go on to pursue careers in research and heritage, education and museum sectors, as well as event marketing, advertising, public relations and journalism. History is a degree which opens up many different industries and can assist in some of the key skills which employers will be looking for.

Should I pick GCSE History?

This video gives you advice about how to pick your GCSE subjects.

You should be aware that History involves lots of reading and writing - including essay questions. These require you to use skills of analysis and critical thinking.

History isn't an easy option, but it is a very rewarding one which will help you develop skills which should serve you well no matter what career you choose in the end.

Success at School - Why Study History?

This video gives some good reasons for you to pick History as one of your options.