Math Extra Help

Complete this brief Form survey before arriving for lunch time extra help to ensure your concerns are addressed as quickly as possible (concerns will be addressed in chronological order).

Starting on 19Sept2018, Math Extra Help will be offered on Wednesdays over lunch break. In the interest of time, students are advised to bring their lunch to Mr. O'Hearn's room rather than first spending time in the cafeteria. Those who arrive promptly will be given priority over late arrivals - in addition, those planning ahead by completing the Math Extra Help Form survey will be addressed first (form link is above).


Although all students are welcome to attend, it is a requirement that class time be used appropriately in the week leading up to the visit. Also, I may ask to see class notes and attempted homework to judge the independent time and effort spent before seeking lunch time help. I am happy to help, but it is essential that independent effort comes first.