Terms and Conditions

By signing in, users accept the following terms and conditions:

  1. The stocks added in the portfolio and watchlist are added by the user at his/her own will. The user himself will be responsible for any errors during the addition of the stock.

  2. The emails and name will be store on the private cloud of developer.

  3. Without signing in you cannot use the Portfolio , Odd Lot Forum and Watch List but can use and view other features of the application.

Privacy Policy

  1. The stocks added in the portfolio and watchlist are kept confidential on our private server and will not be used for any kind of marketing or promotional emails.

  2. User data will not sold to any third parties whereas some of the non-confidential information may be used for in-app advertisements whose data will be kept in user's device itself and can be cleared easily.

  3. Signing in is not a compulsion for several features of the app except some features that requires data to be uploaded on servers. User can opt-out to not to sign in and still can use the app with few limitations.
