6th Grade

Students can watch the videos and then have a classroom discussion.

Activity 1: This video illustrates the difference between a student with a growth mindset vs. a fixed mindset.

Activity 2: Organization & Study Tips for School!

Activity 3: Tips to stay healthier and happier

Activity 4: This video provides tips to build self esteem

Activity 5: This video illustrates the dangers of eating too much sugar.

Activity 6: This video talks about how to handle trolls.

Activity 7: This video gives tips on how to make friends.

Activity 8: This video gives tips on how to be more resilient.

Activity 9: This video shows the positive results of being disciplined.

Activity 10: This video shows children being challenged by delayed gratification.

Activity 11: This video gives a little insight on how students should respond to their peers when they are feeling down.

Activity 12: This video emphasizes how your mood impacts people around you.

Activity 13: This video demonstrates how to show respect by taking turns talking.

Activity 14: This video gives tips on how to be an active listener.

Activity 15: This video has funny clips demonstrating the importance of team work.

Activity 16: Women deny disabled man handicap spot. What would you do?

Activity 17: Harassment against Muslim guy. What would you Do?