Social Studies

Geographic Feature Template.pptx

Geographic Features Slide Example

Monday, June 3

Click the link for your civilization below. Use the Google Slides to build your project on Geographic Features








Thursday, May 23 - Civilization Times

Use the slideshow below to track the achievements of your civilization.

Civ timelines.pptx

Friday, April 5 - Mapping Human Migration

Use the map below to explore human migration from Africa. Correct your map using the routes and dates that you uncover.

Wednesday, April 3rd - What happened to other hominid species?

Using the links below, research the different hypotheses scientists have for where our hominid cousins went. Why do you think humans are the last hominid species?

Tuesday, February 20th

As a class, we are going to explore our personality and skills. Using the link below, take each of the career quizzes and personality quizzes. Upload a screenshot of your results and answer the following:

What did you learn about your personality in this activity? What strengths do you have? What stretches do you have?

What did you learn about your career possibilities? Were the results surprising? Do you agree with the results? What career do you believe you are best suited to?

Tuesday, February 13th

Using the following website, collect evidence on the most important milestones in human evolution.

Note: the timeline includes specific information on each milestone; however, you will need to do additional research to find the importance of your chosen adaptation.

Tuesday, January 9

Read the above article. Determine who wrote it, who published, and their possible motivations for this.

Friday, November 3

The following links correspond to the questions for Friday's social studies activity. Please refer to our class handout as a guide to the following questions.

Canada's Housing Crisis

Before reading (p. 4)

Have students watch this video of the prime minister addressing some of the reasons why the housing crisis exists:

Questions for online exploration (p.9)

1 . Find out more about Prime Minister Trudeau's plans for dealing with the housing crisis in Canada:

2. Learn why many observers say Canada is not doing enough to address the housing crisis:

3. Find out why some observers believe that the latest housing announcements by the three major federal parties are politically motivated:

4. Read a report, written by industry experts and advocates, on how to fix the housing crisis in Canada:

5. Find out why getting homes built is so complicated:

6. What is a mortgage?

Friday, September 29

Spirit Bear's Guide to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action .pdf

Tuesday, September 19

Chanie Wenjack Heritage Minute

Gord Downie's Secret Path album released

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Current Events: Morocco Quake

Read and watch all of the following.

CBC News - Why was the quake so deadly?

Worldbook Online - What is an Earthquake?