This is Mrittika

Hi there! This is Mrittika Ghosh from Kolkata, India. I just completed my Master's degree in Physics from West Bengal State University.  I did my Bachelor's from the University of Calcutta. I am working in the field of Plasma Physics since the last year of my Bachelor's. I was also a Summer Intern at the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad working in the field of Astrochemistry. 

A Little About Me

I am from Kolkata, and I am a proud Bengali. Growing up in the city of joy, my love for music flourished early, and I started playing the sitar. I also grew interested in Physics and Astrophysics, so I combined my two passions and decided to pursue a career.

Physics has always fascinated me; it is like solving puzzles and has opened up an entirely new world of knowledge. The same curiosity also fueled my interest in Astrophysics. I enjoy studying the stars and planets and trying to understand the mysteries of the universe. The more I learn, the more questions arise in my mind, and this is what drives me to continue studying and exploring these two unique, unconnected fields. 

While music is a great source of entertainment and relaxation, I genuinely love physics and aspire to build my career in Physics. In the ultimate analysis, both led me to new paradigms of Philosophy comprising concepts, thought processes, postulates, standards, and methodologies. 

About My Work

My academic background is predominantly focused on physics, particularly plasma physics and astrophysics. I have done my master's degree project thesis on Accretion Flows Around Black Holes and have published two papers on plasma physics. Magnetosonic Shocks And Solitons In Fermi Plasma (2022) and Propagation of Rogue Waves and Cnoidal Waves for Plasma Oscillations (2020). To further my academic growth and gain professional experience, I have participated in different summer projects. Some of those project details are enlisted below,