Magnetic Resonance Imaging Lab

Dept. of EE, NSYSU, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Biomedical Image Investigation

Course syllabus


Reference book/ Textbook

Weekly scheduled progress

Week   | Topic

1   Introduction

2   Digital Image Fundamentals

3   Histogram and Intensity Transformation

4   Image Enhancement: Filtering in Spatial domain

5   Image Enhancement: Filtering in Frequency Domains

6   Image Enhancement: Restoration

7   Color Image Processing

8   Morphological Image Processing

9   Image Segmentation and Registration

10   Quiz and Project Proposal

11   Statistics: Random Variables and Probability Distribution

12   Decision Making: Hypothesis Testing

13   One-sample Test and Two-sample Test

14   ANOVA Analysis

15   Final Exam

16   Project Report

17   Flexible Learning Week

18   Flexible Learning Week