How to

Prepare Thyself:


Each contestant must have a theme  (like, Mr. Greenthumb, Mr. Mustache, Mr. Sparkle, Mr. Outdoorsman, Mr. Quantum Physics, Mr. Psychedelic, or Mr. Reggae, for example).                         What’s your dream theme?

Main Competition:

The pageant features 4 segments: 

1) Question and Answer 

2) Beachwear

3) Talent

4) Formal Wear

This is a competition, and contestants will get eliminated at the end of each segment.

 (let your creativity run wild but no fire allowed!) 

If you win the pageant, we want you to represent yourself as the reigning Mr. Humboldt at major events in the community throughout the next year. Possible duties may include running a race in high heels, or throwing out the Crabs first pitch. Sound good? Then apply here!