Composition 11

Rationale: English Language Arts is a foundational curriculum that equips students with the language and literacy skills they will need for success in school, community, career, and life. It provides students with the opportunity to become effective communicators, to develop and express their own ideas, and to think deeply and critically about the ideas of others.


Grade Breakdown

How am I assessed?

Participation: 25% (125)

Unit Assignments: 35% (175)

Paragraph Portfolio: 40% (200)

TOTAL= 500

Unit 1 - Communication

Goal: Our main focus in this unit is overall verbal communication. We will work on conversational skills, debate/persuasive strategies, and presentation/public speaking.

Unit Assignments

1) Individual Ignite Speech - (25)

  • This is a 3 minute presentation in front of the class on any topic of your choice.

2) Partner Ignite Speech - (25)

  • This is a 5 minute presentation, with a partner, in front of the class on any topic of your choice.

3) Debate #1 - (15)

  • Our first debate tackles the claim of whether drugs should be legalized.

What is an Ignite presentation?

Unit 2 - Narrative - Story Circle

Goal: In this unit we will look at a narrative story structure, called Dan Harmon's Story Circle. This is a simplified version of the Hero's Journey, which can be applied to film and short story analysis.

Unit Assignments

1) Film Analysis- (25)

  • After exploring the Story Circle we will analyze a film to demonstrate our understanding of the structure.

2) Short Story Analysis - (20)

  • The next step will be to analyze a variety of short stories to further enhance our understanding of the narrative structure.

3) Short Story - (60)

  • Lastly, we will use the structure to write a short story. These can be submitted for a competition with cash prizes.

Unit 3 - Technology/Social Media

Goal: In this unit we will explore how the newest technologies have changed society, our lives, and ultimately, how we communicate on a daily basis.

Unit Assignment

Partner Technology Presentation (25)

  • With a partner, you will give a presentation on a technology that has made a considerable difference in our lives.

Persuasive Paragraph Portfolio

Goal: Our focus with this portfolio is to work on the skills and processes involved with accessing higher-order thinking. The main priority is to improve two valuable life skill: communication and thinking. We will focus on sentence and paragraph structure, how to research and cite, how to form logical and coherent arguments, and lastly overall writing conventions. Ultimately, academic writing can help you organize your thoughts verbally, which allows you to think abstractly. Thinking abstractly, in turn, grants access to high-order cognitive processes. Please see Bloom's Taxonomy below for the levels of cognitive processes.

Portfolio (200)

The portfolio will consist of 5 persuasive (argumentative) paragraphs that are based on a variety of topics. These will be written at various times throughout the quarter. Due dates are subject to change based on schedule changes mid way through the quarter

1) Life of Pi

2) Is pursuing truth important?

3) Does social media improve or hurt our society?

4) Any topic of your choice

5) Novel study: What does the ideal society look like? This will be explored through dystopian or utopian themes.

"Actions based on thinking through consequences are more productive and less painful than those based on ignorance."

Complete Assignment List

Participation = 125 marks

  1. Song analysis & Free Writes = 40

  2. Class conversations, discussions, activities, and in-class assignments = 85

Unit Assignments = 175 marks

  1. Individual Ignite Speech = 25

  2. Partner Ignite Speech = 25

  3. Film Analysis = 20

  4. Story Analysis = 20

  5. Short Story = 60

  6. Partner Technology Presentation = 25

Persuasive Paragraph Portfolio= 200 marks

1) Life of Pi = 12

2) Is pursuing truth important? = 30

3) Does social media improve or hurt our society? = 38

4) Any topic of your choice = 60

5) Novel Study = 60

Class Total = 500

Classroom Code of Conduct

  1. Learn in and contribute to an atmosphere of courtesy and cooperation.

  1. Conduct themselves in accordance to the notion of social responsibility.

  1. Be prepared for each and every day’s activities.

  1. Advocate for themselves and their needs in class.

  1. Expect to experience fairness and flexibility when they approach learning in a mature and respectful manner.

  1. Take ownership of both their successes and their shortcomings.

  2. Value themselves as both learners and individuals and remember the purposes for which the class exists.

  3. Remember that honesty is everything.

Remember to follow these guidelines when engaging in conversation or presenting.

Course Calendars