Who is mr. friesen

Kayaking Trip in Halong Bay, Vietnam

Kayaking in Halong Bay, Vietnam


I have a Bachelors of Education, specializing in Technology Education, from the University of British Columbia and partnered with the British Columbia Institute of Technology. Over many years working in different industries before deciding to become a teacher, I have gained many skills and abilities that will assist me in my future teaching career and benefit my future students.

my Teaching Philosophy

Cutting material for an oak table from a set of plans, welding countless pieces of steel for practice, oil changes on vehicles, and wiring up electronic circuits, are all examples of what I remember from technology education in secondary school. These are still crucial components of technology education; however, the curriculum has substantially changed, as students are encouraged to become critical thinkers and problem solvers, revolving around inquiry-based learning. As a future educator, my philosophy is to inspire, demonstrate and empathize with each individual student, while guiding knowledge through a passion to teach technology education.

Myself as the Teacher

My goal as an educator is to be a life long learner and deliver current and relevant material keeping my courses enjoyable and hands-on while still theory based; as theory is still a crucial component in technology education. I will be a facilitator to student’s thoughts, needs, knowledge and success. I will offer directions for new information and provide a creative and safe space, where students will become critical thinkers and makers.

Classroom Community

My classroom will be a welcoming, open-door environment, for all students of different gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, culture, social status and abilities. My class will feel like a community, were every students’ individualism is recognized and respected. As a responsible educator, I want to gain the students trust and build rapport by getting to know each student individually while sharing stories of myself in return. Additionally, I believe volunteering in extra-curricular activities like coaching, clubs or open work spaces, builds a deeper rapport and student-teacher relationships.

Shop Culture

My belief of shop culture defines how technology teachers and their students respect themselves, fellow classmates and their instructors, while respecting the classroom, tools and machinery. As each student will take it upon themselves to work safely and efficiently on projects and labs, they will also keep a clean, tidy and organized work space. I will encourage each student to take responsibility and assists others that may need help, inspiration or guidance throughout the course, as this will be established collaboratively as a class agreement at the beginning of every course.

In the End

While the bell may end the school day and grade 12 graduation may end the students high school years, I hope my effort as a facilitator, an equal member of the classroom community and an enthusiast of shop culture, will encourage my students to continue to use and develop these practices as they become young adults, aspire for higher education, careers, families and friendships.

Some of my non-tech personal interests include:

  • Sports
  • War history
  • Geography
  • Weather

Some hobbies I enjoy include:

  • Camping
  • Soccer
  • Hiking
  • Hunting
  • Cooking
  • Gardening
  • Making Halloween costumes