Final Reflection

Class/Teacher Interaction

1. For what percent of our classes were you present for? Considering that I have attended all classes during the semester, I have 10%% of attendance.

2. When you think back to your presence in class, what percent of the classes were you actively participatory in? (i.e., not on your phone, talking, sleeping, etc.)

I wouldn’t give myself 100%, but I feel confident to say I was 96% of the time present. The other 4% refers to the days I was too overwhelmed with personal matters.

3. How many hours a week (on average), outside of class, did you study for/work on this class?

On average, I spend about 2 to 3 hours working on my assignments and ePortfolios.

4. How many times during the semester did you directly interact with me on an individual level? (i.e., coming and asking questions, getting clarification, an inbox message, etc.)

I believe I had at 7 individual interactions with you. On those occasions, we discussed my ePortifolio’s progress or other questions I had about activities. On top of that, I also participated in a workshop on ePortifolios and ungrading.

5. How do you think that your participation with the class and me may have impacted your knowledge and growth in this class?

Your approach to interacting with students provided me with more confidence to ask questions or clarifications. Besides, because we share some earth and science background, I felt closer to the field I have spent most of my academic life studying. I can say I learned new concepts and refresh others while I was in class.

Practice work

1. How many of the practice work assignments did you get a "complete" on? All of them.

2. How many of the practice work assignments did you get an "incomplete" on? None of them.

3. How many of the practice work assignments did you not attempt?

I attempted them all.

4. How many of the assignments that you did submit were submitted on time? (Usually 1 week) As a good procrastinator, I turned most of my work at least one week late. I recall turning 3 on time. I am sorry!

5. When you look at those numbers above and your knowledge of topics, how do you think that your participation with the practice work impacted your knowledge?

The answer to that is a loud YES! Despite my previous experiences with Geology, I took this opportunity to study with you to reinforce and actually learn some topics I struggled when I was in college. It was amazing to relearn Geology in English and not feel the pressure to memorize everything for a pass or fail exam like I had to when I first study Geology in Brazil.


1. How soon into the semester did you get your ePortfolio URL created and submitted to me?

The site URL was created and posted in the first week of class.

2. How many objectives did you get submitted and receive feedback on throughout the semester?

During the in-person meetings, we had the chance to discuss my objectives. The assignments and goals all received some feedback.

3. How many objectives did you complete within the last 3 weeks?

For my ePortifolio, I got half of my lesson plans done in the first 2 months of class. The resources pages were completed in the last 3 weeks.

4. When you look at the answers above and your final product, how do you feel your ePortfolio turned out and the impact that the answers may have had on its quality?

My ePortifolio reflects what I had planned for it to be. There are full lesson plans and many resources I can use to teach a classroom. The ePortifolio's feedback days helped me to fix some unshared links and mismatched pages.

Overall class

1. When you look at the overall class, the entire semester, what are you most proud of accomplishing during your time in this course?

I am really proud of participating in the student conference held in Orange County. In that event, I could share my work with other students and faculty members. On top of that, I also felt very proud of myself for teaching two lessons in English.

2. When you look at the overall class, the entire semester, what is it that you most wish you could change or do differently?

I wish I had the time to read the whole textbook and made flashcards with the new vocabulary, but I understand we needed to cover a lot of topics, and because of that, we wouldn't be able to spend much time on a single subject. Also, I would do better at getting my lab assignments done before the due dates.

3. When you look at the overall class, the entire semester, what final grade would you give yourself based on your current knowledge of the class objectives?

Based on what I had planned for this class, I consider I can receive an A for my work, preparation and participation.

4. Do you think that your grade would match the grade I would give you? Why or why not?

I believe your grade would match mine because I have turned in all the assignments and did my best to engage with the material. Moreover, by building my ePortifolio, I feel had the chance to organize my learning in a visible and useful platform.

Final Thoughts

1. Any last thoughts/reflections/comments on your personal work/participation/growth in this class?

As I mentioned in previous answers, I am proud to finish this course because I had multiple experiences to test my speaking and listening skills. And not only that, but I also felt connected with my classmates and more excited to come to the class given the comfortable environment I always experienced.