From the heart of Brazil

Hello! I'm Fábio da Costa Silva (he/him/his), and I am an international student at Riverside City College. Although I was born and raised in the heart of the Brazilian Savannas, in the state of Tocantins, I also developed a deep connection with America through the learning English language and absorbing cultural and social values.

Teaching and Learning

Teaching is one of the most rewarding activities I can think of! It is true that it can require a lot of patience and work, but nothing is more exciting than sharing what you know and enabling others to do and be more in their lives. That's why I am a teacher, that is, teaching gives meaning to my life.

Earth and Sciences is an exciting class because it covers all the topics I have so carefully studied when I was getting my environmental engineering degree in Brazil. This time, however, I will learn more vocabulary and get prepared to teach the content in a second language, which is a challenge given that English is not my first language. Despite that, I will make sure to learn as much as I can.

Living one day at a time

As a lifelong learner, I am living one day at a time, but learning something new every day. I have tried to enjoy my life doing the things I love the most. There are some days I spend writing poems, and on others, I cook Brazilian desserts for my partner and friends. My favorite dish is Pamonha - a corn made dessert I would have for lunch every day I could. I also enjoy these delicious Brazilian tropical fruit Cupuaçu, Açaí, Graviola, Buriti and Murici.





