Flipped Classroom Videos

Scroll below for information about a Flipped Classroom.

0 Flipped Assignment

This year for math, our classroom will be transitioning from a "traditional classroom" to a "flipped classroom." See below for more details.

What is the "traditional classroom?"

You are probably familiar with the traditional classroom model: students receive a lecture/presentation in class, and then complete homework to apply the knowledge with homework. If they did not understand that day's lesson, they often practiced wrong. If they did understand that day's lesson, they were only applying their knowledge with worksheets at a low, non-challenging level.

What is a "flipped classroom?"

In a flipped classroom, the process is reversed. Students watch an online video explanation/demonstration at home for homework to gain an understanding of concepts and then solidify the knowledge at school the next day. This gives more time for the teacher to more effectively differentiate instruction on all levels by meeting with students in small groups. Students now have more time and opportunity to work together on projects, educational games, and problem-solving activities. The classroom becomes a much more rigorous setting where students can learn, while still receiving the support from their teacher.

What does the research about flipped classroom say?

Flipping the classroom is a new and very innovative model for instruction to both this classroom and education as whole. While it is still in the beginning stages of research, initial results are positive!

I flipped my math classroom in the 2015-2016 school year in Front Royal, Virginia. On their end of year SOL assessments, the students had an average increase of 31 points as compared to their third grade SOL and the class pass rate increased by 18%. I had similar results in my second year of a flipped classroom in Stafford.

Check out the following articles by clicking the links below:

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

Vanderbilt University Center For Teaching

How is classroom flipping going to work in this classroom?

We will only being flipping the classroom for math. Students will be assigned a video to watch at home. At most, they will have four videos per week. These videos will be less than ten minutes long. The entire week's worth of assignments are posted above on this page. Students are expected to watch the video at least once, but they can watch it as many times as they would like until they are comfortable with the material. I recommend watching one time without taking notes, then going back for a second viewing while taking notes. They have the ability to pause and rewind the video to explain anything they need. Students are encouraged to take notes to refer back to later. Many videos will end with practice problems for the students to complete to self-assess their understanding. I will be checking these problems and their notes when they return to school. Students may also work ahead on videos, but need to go in the designated order.

If the student cannot watch the video at home, they will watch it before announcements during the morning work block or during our math block. Please try to make sure the videos are watched at home to best prepare your child. If there are circumstances that prevent your child from being able to participate in a flipped classroom, please let me know and we will work together to find a solution.

We will practice this in class for a few weeks before it is completely done at home.

What are your feelings on flipping the classroom?

Please contact me at any time with feedback on my flipped instruction.

Do you feel as though your child is more or less successful with this method?

Is your child more engaged in learning and taking ownership of their own education?

Do you enjoy being able to view firsthand what your child is expected to do and know?

What are your concerns?