About This Website

This is my personal website. It is personal but contains summary of my professional achievement. It can be seen as my professional portfolio. My grand plan is to use it to compile information about my professional work. In the information era, not only we are overwhelmed by the number and volume of the information, but also in its unorganized nature. Therefore, a platform to organise such information is more important than ever. Here you can find the list of subject I teach, including the detailed portfolio each subject. I also share information regarding my research (project, publication, ideas, ...). In addition, the details on my service to academicsand society (supervision, webinar, technology, ...) can also be found.

29 October 2021

A review journal article published

This paper updates microplastics in water, their environmental pollution, and the need for regulatory standards. The work was in collaboration with Dr Adewale Giwa from Khalifa University, UAE. It was published in Environmental Pollution-Elsevier (IF: 8.071). The full article can be downloaded here. The presence of micro and nano-plastic in our water bodies is emerging, yet it is almost unregulated. Therefore, their removals from the water/wastewater treatment plants are not quantified. Sooner or later, their growing presence would lead to detrimental impacts on the environment and human beings.

27 October 2021

Top-2% most influential scientists in Chemical Engineering

Great news to share!!

Alhamdulillah, I have made it to the top 2% of most influential scientists globally and top-1% scientists in the field of Chemical Engineering.

  • The Year 2019: Ranked 152,219 of the global list and ranked 1,123 out of 55,697 scientists in the field of Chemical Engineering.

  • The Year 2020: Ranked 91,594 on the global list and ranked 640 out of 66,189 scientists in the field of Chemical Engineering.

  • This year, I also entered the Career Life Time top-scientist in the field of Chemical Engineering ranked 1,390 out of 66,185.

The ranking system was developed from the Scopus database and was made based on a standardized citation indicator (c-score) developed by a team of researchers from Elsevier and Stanford University (https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3000918).

The full lists are available here: https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/3 published on 20 October 2021.

I am very grateful to all support I have received from everyone, especially my family, mentors, students, and research collaborators.

22 October 2021

New article published

This paper reports Ultrafiltration of α-Lactalbumin Protein: Acquaintance of the Filtration Performance by Membrane Structure and Surface Alteration. The work was in collaboration with Prof Nasrul Arahman of University Syah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia. It was published in an open access publication, Polymers-MDPI. The full article can be downloaded here.

7 October 2021

Journal papers published

Three journal paper were recently published.

The first paper is a review paper main authored by a FIT-UBD student supervised by Dr. Norazanita. The review was about adsoption-membrane filtration process for emerging contaminants removal. The review was published in an open-access journal, the Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology. The details can be obtained from the Journal website.

The second paper is a review published in Energies MDPI. This paper was based on the FYP of Jing Han in Universiti Teknologi Petronas. The publication in an open-access journal was made possible from the full APC voucher provided by Prof Indra Mahlia and Dr. Wahyu Caesarendra. The details can be obtained from the Journal website.

The third paper is an original full-article as part of Ph.D. by Nafiu in Universiti Teknologi Petronas. It was about a novel module concept in "a wavy shape" to reduce membrane fouling by manipulating the hydrodynamics of the feed solution. The details can be obtained from the Journal website.

29 September 2021

Invited Talk

Alhamdulillah, I had an opportunity to share my research at The 11th AIC 2021 International Conference, 29-30 September 2021 (http://aic.unsyiah.ac.id/). The presentation material can be downloaded here. The summary of the talk can bee seen below:

Fabrication, properties, and application of polymeric permeable film for sustainable process

Thin-film material in form of permeable membrane has gain great attention in the last few decades. The thin permeable film offers advantages to facilitate transports in many applications. The applications span from medicals (i.e., artificial kidney, pharmaceuticals recovery), food processing (casein recovery, protein purification, etc.), chemical processing (membrane reactors, product recoveries), as well as water and wastewater treatment. This paper first discusses the fabrication methods and the properties of membranes and how those properties beneficial for various applications. Later, few approaches in optimizing membrane-based processes in water and wastewater treatment are discussed. Finally, few ideas on future applications and the bottleneck in developing them are also deliberated.

21 September 2021

Sharing: Literatur Review

Alhamdulillah saya jadi sukarelawan mengisi materi kuliah di jurusan paca-sarjana Universitas Lambung angkurat. Kuliah ini saya jadikan sebagai motivasi untuk "memaksa" saya menyelesaikan konten Buku Saku Metodologi penelitian. Harapnnya, dengan adanya sesi sharing dan diskusi seperti ini, saya sedikit-demi sedikit memperbaiki dan menambah materi yang sudah ada. (Materi Presentasi).

17 September 2021

Pembekalan KKN Tematik Pendidikan Kimia UNDIKMA

20 orang mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia akan memulai kegiatan KKN Tematik pada tanggal 20 Sepetmber 2021. sebelum berangkat mereka dibekali dengan berbagai keterampilan. Salah satunya adalah bagaimana mempersiapkan projek penelitian sambil melaksanakan kegiatan KKN. Materi presentasi bisa diunduh melalui tautan berikut ini (Materi Presentasi).

16 September 2021

Journal paper published

This paper reports Formulation of Organic Wastes as Growth Media for Cultivation of Earthworm Nutrient-Rich Eisenia foetida. It is an outcome of research collaboration with a team of researchers from Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika, Indonesia; with support from a team of researchers from Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia. The paper was published in an open-access journal Sustainability - MDPI and is available online. The details can be found directly on the journal website.

11 September 2021

Journal paper published

This paper reviews reports Supported Deep Eutectic Liquid Membranes with Highly Selective Interaction Sites for Efficient CO2 Separation. It is an outcome of research collaboration with Prof Asim Khan, COMSAT Pakistan. The paper was published in Journal of Mollecular Liquid and is available online. The details can be found directly from the journal website.

10 September 2021

Pembekalan KKN Tematik Pendidikan Kimia UNDIKMA

20 orang mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia akan memulai kegiatan KKN Tematik pada tanggal 20 Sepetmber 2021. sebelum berangkat mereka dibekali dengan berbagai keterampilan. Salah satunya adalah bagaimana mempersiapkan projek penelitian sambil melaksanakan kegiatan KKN. Materi presentasi bisa diunduh melalui tautan berikut ini (Materi Presentasi).

6th June 2020

Let's rolls it up!!!

After thinking about it for so many times, finally I sort of manage to develop this personal website. At the current form, I simply transfer the information from my CV. I want to gradually develop the contents to include more details, i.e., pictures, videos, etc. I am going to treat the "Home" page as a simple blog to update and link to the newly added contents. Feel free to explore the site. I hope this become a way for me to share what I do, what have done, what I am doing, what I will do, and most importantly what I can do to scientific society as a scholar, and the services to general public. Left-side is my recent family picture. No glitz, nor glamour, and it was in our living room in the mid of COVID-19 lock-down: just a simple selfie of us as a background in our IED Mubarak card.

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