Week 17 - 12/11/17 through 12/15/16

Studying ice cores in Antarctica Natural History Museum.mp4
National park fees could double.mp4

Articles about the Proposed National Park Entry Fee Increase:

Article #1

Article #2

Article #3

Article #4

Article #5

Article #6

Debate Position Graphic Organizer;

Keep the price @ $30 Raise the cost to $70

Pros: What are reasons we should keep the cost at $30? Pros: Why do we need to raise the cost?

Cons: What is bad about keeping the cost at $30? Cons: What is bad about raising the price?

(more importantly, what can you say to lessen or delegitimize these argument)


Briefly review each on our "Climate Indicators" (in bullet-point form)


Instrument Era - Measurements of the weather/climate conditions using calibrated instruments (thermometer, hygrometer, barometer, wind vane, anemometer, etc.)

Historical Era - Historical (written or oral history) information that tells us about what kind of climate was experienced in the past. Many times, these historical events can be confirmed using other proxies or clues (like ice cores and dendrochronology).

Dendrochronology -

Ice Cores -

Sediments -

Coral Reefs -

Packrat Middens -

Speleothems -

A History of Earth's Climate.mp4

If you are interested, here is a video explaining how the climate has been changing/cycling pretty much from the time the Earth was formed.