


Students should arrive at school no earlier than 8:00am. The first bell rings at 8:25 for students to start heading to their literacy class. Instruction time will begin at 8:30 so students should be in the classroom at this time ready to begin the day


Students who eat school breakfast may arrive starting at 7:45. Breakfast can be paid for on the school website: www.scholarcharter.org.



School ends at 3:00 p.m., and students must leave or be picked up 15 minutes after dismissal or the end of a school-sponsored activity.  After this time, all students will be taken to the office in order to call home and make arrangements. 



Weekly Specials Schedule

Monday: Art, Music, P.E., and Computers

*On Mondays, please make sure your child wears clothing and shoes appropriate for physical activity.


Library classes will be held during literacy once a week. Brown is on Wednesday, Pratt is on Thursday, and Fidler is on Friday.


Spanish will be held Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 1:00-1:30.




 During the first week of school, students will learn about their rights and responsibilities in our classroom.  There are six simple rules we expect all students to follow. As a class, we will discuss these six rules and how we will practice them:


In this classroom, we will always…


 Behavior Plan

For the safety and well-being of all students, and to maintain a positive classroom environment, students are expected to follow the rules above at all times. Teachers may be using Class Dojo. Any time a rule is broken, the following consequences will be enforced. Repeated violations may result in more serious consequences.

1.        Verbal warning/ subtract Dojo points

2.        Making Smart Choices sheet

3.        Cross-over, phone call home

4.        Office Referral



This year we will be catching students that are on their best behavior. Students will be rewarded for their good behaviors!



 Homework is an important part of the educational process.  It reinforces and provides additional practice for skills learned at school.  It also teaches students responsibility and encourages good study habits. Homework may be used up to five percent as grades for any subject. It will help determine students’ Responsibility and Quality of Work grades on their report cards.

As parents, you can increase your student’s success rate by making homework and study time a top priority at home.  It is important to designate a quiet homework/study area at home and, if possible, establish a routine where homework is completed at the same time most every night. (Homework will vary based on teacher.)



• Homework, if assigned, will be Mon.-Thurs. night every week. 

• Homework will include reading, vocabulary, spelling and/or some writing practice. Students may have a reading response that will need to be filled out as well. They will also have 10-20 minutes of math practice.

• Homework will be due the following day. If circumstances prevent a child from doing his/her homework on a given night, please provide a note explaining the situation and I will be happy to work with you. With a written note, students will have no late penalty, as long as the missing homework is turned in within a timely manner.

• Students with missing work or homework, may miss recess and/or may receive other consequences such as Friday detention if the problem persists.

•  An assignment plan may also be required to assist students that are having difficulty completing their homework responsibilities.


Student Homework Folders

Students will have a homework folder to be used throughout the school year, in which they will keep their nightly homework. Any handouts about school events, daily behavior and other important information/notes will be placed in the folder. Please be sure to check it nightly and again ensure your child has completed his/her homework and that you don’t miss important announcements and information. 

Reading: response sheet with writing, spelling and reading

Math: practice sheet, fact practice

Homeroom: social studies, science, writing and or math practice




Regular attendance is important.  If your child is unable to attend school, please send a written excuse to the office on the day he/she returns.  When possible, let the office know ahead of time when you know your student will be absent, so we can work out a plan for the instruction and work your student will be missing.


Cell Phones

Cell phones may be brought to school at your own risk. However, they must remain OFF and in your child’s backpack during the school day including recess and lunch. They should only be used in case of emergencies. If a phone disrupts instruction, it will be turned in to the office. Parents will then need to pick the cell phone up there. If you have a medical or family exception please contact me.



Students are allowed to have combination locks for their lockers this year. They must also provide me with the combination. No Keys will be permitted. Students are expected to keep their lockers neat and tidy.


 Family Contact Information

Please keep your family’s contact information, such as telephone numbers and addresses, current with me and with the school office staff.  By doing this, we can immediately contact you in case of an emergency and to keep you up-to-date on school and classroom events.


Classroom Communication

In order to keep communication flowing from home to school we have websites located on the school website at www.scholarcharter.org. We will also be communicating regularly through email and/or our websites letting you know what we are working on in our classrooms. If you are interested in volunteering in our classrooms, please let us know! If you ever need to get a hold of us, you can e-mail us at: Jamie Fidler jfidler@scholarcharter.org, Heidi Brown hbrown@scholarcharter.org , Aaron Pratt apratt@scholarcharter.org, or write us a note and include it inside your child’s homework folder. We look forward to communicating with you.


Common Core

Just as a reminder for all our families, Utah has a set of curriculum standards for all grade levels that were put into effect called the Common Core State Standards. These standards will guide our teaching and testing practices throughout the year, and they are designed to be more streamlined and consistent with other states’ curriculum. To learn more about these standards, visit www.uen.org. You can also learn about our curriculum through visiting the Scholar Academy website www.scholarcharter.org.


Report Cards   

We are on a quarter schedule.  Report cards will be sent out four times during the school year at the end of each quarter. 


Thank you for reading! Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you have, at any time. Again, welcome to fourth grade at Scholar Academy!