
On this page, I will post all the lessons assigned so far, Mr. B.

Below are all the older lessons so far for each grade. (not including this week.)

Week of 3/16 General letter: (Extra Credit.....)

Ideas for all grades:

Dear students, (parents): Technology lessons.

(This is an idea/lesson that students can share when we return to school, if possible. By the way, I do realize some folks may not be able to do this, just try your best, and learn from your research. That is the most important idea.) This is a broad assignment for grades 4 to 8. Students should be able to work on their own on this.

In class, we’ve been using “Word” for a word processor, and “PowerPoint” for a slide program, but you can use any software that you feel comfortable with for this assignment. (Apps, from Google are fine, if you have access). I would like you to carefully read the comment below.

Technology is always changing. Some of the gadgets and devices we love to use every day, like FitBits, Smartphones, and drones, did not exist just a few years ago. Now that these technologies are available, we are becoming more aware of their issues and risks, or how they might be abused. Today is your chance to think about these new inventions and what we should do to use technology safely. Hackers, stolen identities, online bullying, and drone disasters are just some of the risks and dangers you might research over the next few weeks. When you return, we’ll discuss your findings and your advice by sharing with the class about technology risks that you discovered as you researched and then how to stay safe in as many ways possible.

TOPICS: Ethics, security, and privacy.

As you spend the next few days at home, think about the amount of screen time and some of the issues stated above. Watch videos on the subject, research carefully using any search engine: Look at just this issue as a starting point!

Example: Digital Citizenship. What do you think that means?

From those three topics above, research ideas to keep you safe and secure any time, on any device. Use any word processor or slide show and create a document to teach your fellow classmates when we return. 1) Use the first hour or so, to do your research. Save your findings before you start writing. 2) Use the next hour or so to explain your findings and create your document. 3) Use the last hour to finalize your thoughts on your program and your ideas to help classmates stay safe and secure online. If you need any help, e-mail me at: jballard@tcabrockton.org

As always please be sure to use your own word in your work.

You may also submit any work you are working on to me at that address, if you can and I will make comments to help you if you wish. If you are using a word processor you could also print it, if that’s possible.

Do not stress over this, I only want you to learn how to be safe by ressesarching carefully and reporting back.

I hope and pray that your family and you stay healthy, happy, and safe, during these most unusual times. If there is anything I can do to help you with any technology, contact me and I will do my best to help you.

Mr. Ballard


For week of: 3/23

grades 4-8

Please watch this video,(URL below), stop it to read carefully, take notes to remember what is being taught. Don't rush through it, talk to your parents about anything you watched. I hope you learn to stay safe as we navigate these difficult times. Remember even your phones are really PC's now. May your families stay safe, and healthy. If you can do it, drop me a note telling me about anything you learned. If you have any additional ideas that might help other friends stay safe while using any technology, Please include that in your note.

Thank You

Mr Ballard


Week of 3/30/2020

Technology grades 4-5

Below is a list of needed/essential workers during this coronavirus period, published on 3/20/2020

At the bottom is the website where this information was found. Look at the explanations after each heading. Consider that your family and you rely on several of these workers to keep your family safe while at home. Some of you may have a family member who is included in this list. They go out every day to help you through these days until we get better.

Goal of Grades 4 and 5:

After reading about each category, think of the important work these workers do and say a prayer for them or thank them somehow for their efforts this week.

Thank You, stay healthy and safe.

1. Health care and public health workers.

2. Law enforcement, public safety, and first responders.

3. Food and agriculture workers.

4. Energy employees.

5. Water and wastewater.

6. Transportation and logistics.

7. Public works.

8. Communications and information technology.

9. Other community-based government operations and essential functions.

10. Critical manufacturing.

11. Hazardous materials.

12. Financial services.

13. Chemical workers.

14. Defense industrial base.



Week of 3/30/2020

Technology grades 6-8

Below is a list of needed/essential workers during this coronavirus period, published on 3/20/2020

At the bottom is the website where this information was found. Look at the explanations after each heading. Consider that your family and you rely on several of these workers to keep your family safe while at home. Some of you may have a family member who is included in this list. They go out every day to help you through these days, until we get better.

Goal of Grades 6-8:

After reading about each category, think of the important work these workers perform and explore at least one area that may interest you. Using any word processor, write 1 descriptive paragraph about the work, (gr6) or two, or more, Gr (7-8). If you can share it with me do so, if not try to save it in google docs if you can, so we can look at it when we resume.

Thank You, stay healthy and safe.

1. Health care and public health workers.

2. Law enforcement, public safety, and first responders.

3. Food and agriculture workers.

4. Energy employees.

5. Water and wastewater.

6. Transportation and logistics.

7. Public works.

8. Communications and information technology.

9. Other community-based government operations and essential functions.

10. Critical manufacturing.

11. Hazardous materials.

12. Financial services.

13. Chemical workers.

14. Defense industrial base.



Week of 4/7/2020

For grades 4 and 5

Scratch is an MIT coding app. It is free. The children have explored it in school so they should be familiar with basic ideas.

Please go to the following page to explore it. (You can sign up or use it just as practice.)


Once you reach that page, the children can look at the 4 pages below and work on those questions. Take your time and see if you can understand what each idea is about. Remember, you should be controlling the PC not the other way around! A note, some students have worked above this level and some have not. Everyone should still benefit from understanding these steps.





Save your answers in google docs and share it if you can to my TCA web.

I know you have a lot of work to do, so please do this lesson when you are done with your core work. Explore and learn step by step.

Please stay safe and healthy.

Mr. B

Week of 4/7/2020

For grades 6-8

As some of you may know, my background is also in Math. The website I created is about M.C. Escher and his incredible work. You can attempt the same creativity with this lesson. (Website)

Please go to the following address and follow directions to create a beautiful piece of Mathematical Art.


We have practiced with this in the past. A tessellation is a pattern that fills a plane surface. You should be aware that only three regular polygons tessellate because their interior angles measure an amount that fits into 360 degrees. They are the equilateral Triangle, the Square or Rectangle, and the Hexagon. Some other polygons will tessellate with the help of another polygon making up the correct degree that fits into 360 degrees. (Hint: Square and Octagon) This information is material we have already covered.

Remember the only rule is that you cannot intersect any lines. This example is okay.

This example is wrong. Try a few examples using the three polygons.

Save your drawings somehow in google docs and share with me if you can at my TCA address. jballard@tcabrockton.org

I know you have a lot of work to do, so please do this lesson when you are done with your core work. Explore, enjoy and learn step by step.

Most of all, please stay safe and healthy.

Mr. B


Week of 4/13/2020

For grades 4-8

As some of you may know, this coming week, each day was set as a special day.

Monday: Crazy Hat Day,

Tuesday: Honor our heroes day,

Wednesday: Wear Rainbow colors day, (Grades 4 and 5 Green), (Grades 6 to 8 Blue),

Thursday: Cheer your favorite team day,

Friday: Bring your pet or favorite stuffed animal to school.

I would like you all to pick any day, or two this week to either dress up, participate, or otherwise take part in one or two of the day's themes.

Take a selfie photo, other photo, pets, etc, or team mascot or other item, color outfit or hero outfit. Use google apps like "docs" and place your name on the page first, then try something pasting photos in your document like this.

Mary Smith, Here is my favorite sports team, Mr. Ballard, Then paste a photo or other item, like the one above. Here is my pet dog, his name is Benny, he’s 4 years old. Then paste a photo of Benny or your pet or stuffed animal. see above

If you use Google docs, then share it with me at jballard@tcabrockton.org. I'm looking forward to seeing some of your photos and ideas.

I know you have a lot of work to do, so please do this lesson when you are done with your core work. Explore, enjoy and learn step by step.

Most of all, please stay safe and healthy.

Mr. B


Week of 4/20- no assignments vacation, enjoy.

Mr. B.


Work week of 4/27/2020

Dear Grade, 5 students,

I cannot believe that it has been 5 weeks or more since we last saw each other. I hope you rested a bit last week. I also hope that your families are safe and well.

This week, I would like you to go to the web site below and practice a bit of Math, I know, I know, but it is important.

Do the problems and then take a screen shot and add it to a goggle-docs and share your score with me. You can add a note if you wish. Share it to jballard@tabrockton.org.


Dear Grade, 4 students,

I cannot believe that it has been 5 weeks or more since we last saw each other. I hope you rested a bit last week. I also hope that your families are safe and well.

This week, I would like you to go to the web site below and practice a bit of Math, I know, I know, I know, but it is important.

Do the problems and then take a screen shot and add it to a goggle-docs and share your score with me. You can add a note if you wish. Share it to jballard@tabrockton.org.


Tech Week of 4/27/2020

This week’s lesson for grades 6, 7, and 8 Technology is an introduction to Google Sheets, a spreadsheet program. Please watch the following youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llkP9DxRAPI&list=PLpQQipWcxwt8hmVAPM940Ed1GArcH5A0G&index=11

After you are finished watching the video, open Google Docs, then open a blank “sheets” document and create a similar spreadsheet to the one shown on the video but change the numbers. In the first cell please type your name. Then, below proceed to copy similar material into your spreadsheet. Columns and Rows can be adjusted in the margins on the top, and left sides.

Be sure you understand the formula explained. If you do it correctly, you can change any number in your sheet and the program will do the math. It is a useful program. Have fun and try your best to achieve something like what is shown in the “video spreadsheet.”

Once you are happy with your product, share it to jballard@tcabrockton.org . Should you have questions, try using you tube videos to search for ways to solve your problem. “How do I?” Of course I would be more than happy to help you with any issues. Good luck. This URL is also very useful: https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/googlespreadsheets/

As always, stay safe and healthy.

Mr. B


Week of 5/4/2020

Grades 6-8 (tutorials are on the website page listed below.) Happy Mother’s Day, (SOON)

I am expecting varying degrees of ability from each grade but will be really happy if you are able to share your creations with me. Follow the link below.

Go to: https://www.greetingsisland.com/cards/holidays/mothers-day/2 Try creating a unique Mother's Day card. When, you are done creating your card and want to save and print it, use your google e-mail address to do just that! If you can take a screen shot or something else, PDF, to show your work, that would be nice. Have fun making the card and please get back to me with how you did. Enjoy surprising your Mom or close family friend. If you cannot print it at least try to send me something, a note or a copy of what you did. Grades 4-8 Week of 5/11/2020

Please go to this website: https://www.greetingsisland.com/cards/thank-you Think of all the nurses who are working hard to keep us safe and healthy during this difficult time. If you know someone who is a nurse, create a unique thank you card for that person. Print it or e-mail it if you know their address. If can safely give it to the nurse or put it on their car carefully, that’s a possibility. The other possibility is to e-mail it to local hospitals. This is Good Samaritan’s e-mail: cgsmcmail@steward.org

Signature Brockton Hospital does not list a website, only phone and address. (508-941-7000) 680 Centre St, Brockton, MA 02302

You may know of another hospital or location where nurses can be thanked and recognized.

When you are done, e-mail me at: jballard@tcabrockton.org and tell me what you did and I will enter grade for you. Be sure to include your name in your response to me, not just your g-mail address.

Week of 5/11/2020

Good day parents and students, (A Head Start)

National Nurses Week begins each year on May 6th and ends on May 12th, Florence Nightingale's birthday. These permanent dates enhance planning and position National Nurses Week as an established recognition event.

I am sending the tech work a bit early this week so you may have a head start based on the information above.

Please go to this website: https://www.greetingsisland.com/cards/thank-you Think of all the nurses who are working hard to keep us safe and healthy during this difficult time. If you know someone who is a nurse, create a unique thank you card for that person. Print it or e-mail it if you know their address. If can safely give it to the nurse or put it on their car carefully, that is a possibility. The other possibility is to e-mail it to local hospitals/nursing homes. This is Good Samaritan’s e-mail: cgsmcmail@steward.org

Signature Brockton Hospital does not list a website, only phone and address. (508-941-7000) 680 Centre St, Brockton, MA 02302

You may know of another hospital or location where nurses can be thanked and recognized.

When you are done, e-mail me at: jballard@tcabrockton.org and tell me what you did and I will enter grade for you. Be sure to include your name in your response to me, not just your g-mail address.

(As a review, last week’s assignment asked you to create a Mother’s day card from this website: https://www.greetingsisland.com/cards/holidays/mothers-day/2 Many of you sent me your cards and or copies of it, Thank you.) The directions for that assignment are now on the about page at the bottom.

Week of 5/18:


Grades 6, 7, and 8 Robots

Please consider what you would like to do as you continue learning and growing in an increasingly complex technological world. Think, driverless cars, drones, robots, and other areas that are constantly changing and adapting to their environment. Remember, computers only do what humans program them to do.

I would like you to view this video on “you tube”. Stop, rewind, listen, study, learn, wonder, “can I do this?” You might recognize some “block programming” like MIT’s scratch. There are five different robots. Fable, Tenergy ODEV, MakeblockmBot, WowWeeCOJI, and EVO.


After you are done watching, write a paragraph giving me your impression on “my favorite one….”. Why did you choose it? Tell me what you think. If you are using google docs, or Word, share your impressions with me: jballard@tcabrockton.org.

Thank you,Week of 5/18

Grades 4 and 5:

Go to this address please: https://code.org/hourofcode/overview

Scroll down to Star Wars, Frozen, Sports, Flappy code. (first Row) Choose one of the “four” Hour of code lessons, watch the teacher video. You do not have to spend the whole hour, do 1 step at a time at the top of the page, go as far as you can, then send me a screen shot of your progress showing what step you reached and the coding you did. jballard@tcabrockton.org

Have fun and learn by making errors and correcting them.

Mr. B.

Week of 5/26/2020 grade 4-8

Dear Students,

I am posting my Tech work a bit early for next week which is a four-day week, due to Memorial Day.

Many people have made sacrifices for our country especially during terrible war times. Arlington National Cemetery, (ANC), is in Arlington, VA, just across the Potomac River from Washington DC. There are approximately 400,000 graves here including President John F Kennedy and his family. Many incredibly famous people are laid to rest here. One area is a must see; it is called the tomb of the unknowns. At this special place, “the tombs of unknown soldiers” are those soldiers who lost their lives in different wars but were not identified, hence they are unknown. Memorial Day may have passed when you do this lesson, but please do not miss it. Our country honors those “unknowns” and many others by never leaving them all alone. 365 days a year in all sorts of weather, the tombs are guarded by the US Army Honor Guard soldiers. The first Video is called the changing of the guards. Please watch it carefully and respectfully and give some thought to what Memorial Day is dedicated to. The second video is a wreath laying ceremony explained to Elementary school children and then carried out. If you wish to watch, it is worth it, you see the humanness of the soldier when working with kids.

I have seen Arlington and the tomb of the unknowns about 20 times when I went on grade 8 field trips in my previous teaching position. I can never forget these moments; they are truly so special. By the way, a wreath laying ceremony must be scheduled a long time before it can be carried out and is something students taking part in it will never forget. After viewing it, try to write a little something describing how you felt as you watched the videos and add some facts about ANC or a picture, it will amaze you.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4utXb3auOew (Changing of the Guard) (21 steps)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_7dmvxwNy4 (Wreath Laying)

Please respond/share to jballard@tacbrockton.org.

I hope you understand what Memorial Day celebrates after watching these two incredible videos. If you ever get to Washington, DC, be sure to make that part of your trip. (Suggestion: Use a tour guide).

Thank you,

Technology June 1, 2020 Grades 6-7 (see specific instructions below.) (WHAT IS THAT THING?) See photo above at the top.

Hello everyone in grades 6 and 7. You are getting close to the finish line.

This week I would like to give you something brand new to think about. Today’s computers are all running the same way. The only thing they understand are the numbers 0 and 1. Therefore they are called binary.

I want you all to think/research a bit on this subject: Quantum Computing. Below is the link to a video which is quite long, however, you do not have to watch it all the way to the end. The video is teaching students from Elementary school all the way to college graduate school.

Grades 6 or 7, please watch the first two parts up to the college student.

Anyone in any grade may also go beyond these points with the help of an interested adult to help you understand the “big idea” about quantum computing.

These machines will most likely be the future pcs of your lifetime. Remember science and technology never stop growing/changing, and you should try your best to stay informed.

Here is the address f the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWJCfOvochA

This second video might help you understand more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lypnkNm0B4A&t=10s

When you are done watching you may respond with your understanding, thoughts on the idea, or questions. Please write a short paragraph telling me your reaction, etc. I have a lot of questions myself, so I am not an expert here, I am just very curious to learn as well as you. Use google docs or Word or any other word processor or method to write your answer back to me at: jballard@tcabrockton.org

Mr. B.