The Library Works For 5 Days In A Week Monday Through Friday 8.30 A.M To 5.00 P.M.

Library and information centres in the Technical Institutions have been playing an important role in enriching the knowledge of the students, teachers and other members of the institution. The college have well-established Library set up, with latest technical and non-technical magazines, journals and books which caters to the need of the students, staffs and the other members of the institution. Our Library has also a good collection of audio, visual aids and yearly collection of question papers of previous year examinations which are all made available to the demanding students. Apart from the above, dailies, magazines etc are regularly subscribed and are neatly kept in chronological order. At present, there are nearly 33,000 books and 63 Technical magazines are subscribed by our institution. Our Library is using fully fledged library automation software called Auto lib to carry out the routine operations in the library. Further, a separate air-conditioned computer lab with nearly seven systems is available in the library for the students and staffs to browse online resources.