
“At MPM, I met people I related to that became study partners, friends, and mentors. I also met people who were there for me when the math classes seemed impossible to pass. I dare to say that if I had not participated in MPM, I may not have stayed in the math department. The program gave me a community and the confidence to stay.”

"MPM provided a community of mathematicians who are like me, this allowed me to see myself as a mathematician.''

"[MPM] really changed how I viewed math and helped me feel part of a community (which I honestly didn’t know was possible in math).''

"The past few months I haven't felt like I belong in the math world, but this workshop helped me realize a lot of people feel this way and that it will help me have a little more confidence in myself and my math abilities.''

“MPM has been one of the greatest experiences I attended in my first year. Before meeting [so] many amazing women in Math...I thought that mathematicians were mostly introverts---but MPM brought me to a Math community that was so energetic, active, fun and welcoming. Mathematicians actually really enjoyed life! That I can see many successful women in Math as well as other peers who are enjoying their Math journeys encourages me to continue with Math...Also, MPM [paired me with a mentor] who has given me so [much] advice and whom I am doing research with now.”

“MPM was a great opportunity for me to make new friends while also becoming more confident in myself and my mathematical abilities. Math classes at the University of Minnesota can be very difficult sometimes, and they make it easy to doubt your capabilities. MPM helped me realize that as long as I have the interest, there is nothing that can stop me from studying math, and I can have fun while doing it."

"MPM helped me feel less alone on campus. As the only girl in my class, I often felt really lonely and scared in my pursuit in math and often questioned why I chose it as my major. MPM reminded me that I enjoy learning about math and there are many new careers I can do!''