I am currently Professor of Phonetics, Phonology and Prosody at the Department of Linguistics at Aix Marseille University. I have been Distinguished Professor at Rutgers University from 2019 to 2023, and head of the Prosody Group at the Laboratoire Parole et Langage (UMR 7309, CNRS) in Aix-en-Provence, France. I have been also partially funded by the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), since 2011. I obtained a PhD in Linguistics at the Ohio State University in 2000 and then joined the CNRS in 2001. After obtaining an "Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches" (HDR) at Paris III University in 2005, I have become Full Professor in 2006 at Aix Marseille University.

I have also been co-director of the "axe 2" of the Brain and Language Research Institute (BLRI) and served as Associate Editor for the Journal of Phonetics since 2016. I have been President of the Association for Laboratory Phonology from 2018 to 2020.

My main research interests span from intonational phonology to intonation production and perception in Italian and French, and have extended to phonetic convergence and imitation and Laboratory Phonology in general. More recently, my work has expanded to online measures of sentence comprehension (ERP, Eyetracking) in the study of sarcasm in L1 and L2, the relation between musical skills and word learning and the the impact of individual cognitive differences in intonation processing, as well as prosody and gesture acquisition in French and Italian pre-schoolers.