Like the rest of GitHub, it includes free and paid service tiers. Websites generated through this service are hosted either as subdomains of the domain or can be connected to custom domains bought through a third-party domain name registrar.[90] GitHub Pages supports HTTPS encryption.[91][92]

Linus Torvalds, the original developer of the Git software, has highly praised GitHub by stating "The hosting of github is excellent. They've done a good job on that. I think GitHub should be commended enormously for making open source project hosting so easy." He has also criticized the behavior of the GitHub merging interface.[143][144]

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To customize the pull request tree, you can use the githubPullRequests.queries setting. This setting is a list of labels and search queries which populate the categories of the tree. By default, these queries are "Waiting For My Review", "Assigned To Me", and "Created By Me". An example of adding a "Mentioned Me" category is to change the setting to the following:

If you are not redirected to VS Code, you can add your authorization token manually. In the browser window, you will receive your authorization token. Copy the token, and switch back to VS Code. Select Signing in to in the Status bar, paste the token, and hit Enter.

You can also configure which files show these suggestions using the settings GitHub Issues: Ignore Completion Trigger (githubIssues.ignoreCompletionTrigger) and GitHub Issues: Ignore User Completion Trigger (githubIssues.ignoreUserCompletionTrigger). These settings take an array of language identifiers to specify the file types.

You can configure the name of the branch using the GitHub Issues: Issue Branch Title (githubIssues.issueBranchTitle) setting. If your workflow doesn't involve creating a branch, or if you want to be prompted to enter a branch name every time, you can skip that step by turning off the GitHub Issues: Use Branch For Issues (githubIssues.useBranchForIssues) setting.

Once you are done working on the issue and want to commit a change, the commit message input box in the Source Control view will be populated with a message, which can be configured with GitHub Issues: Working Issue Format SCM (githubIssues.workingIssueFormatScm).

Hello! So we have a github integrations that is working nicely ( -cms-deploy-action). I have been asked to edit an existing template with pre-existing content. The change gets migrated over via github into hubspot with no problems. But the Publish button stays greyed out. I cannot publish my changes. I tried adding some spaces inside of the design manager just to see the Publish button turn orange. Once I got the Publish button to light up I pressed it and I still did not see the change on my blog post. How can I get my change to show on pre-existing content? 2351a5e196

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