Members of the Monterey Peninsula College Teachers Association enjoy many benefits on campus including:
We enjoy long talks about teaching. We also advocate in on-campus meetings to be sure we have the best and most equitable learning environment possible.
We often hold socials so you can blow off steam at tough moments during the semester- first rounds on us.
We can assist you in formulating and filing grievances and complaints when needed.
We can accompany you for advisement and to document in on-campus meetings.
We can refer you to CTA for legal advice.
We hold regular meetings to ensure we are representing you well, and if you are a member, you can attend and vote.
Keep in mind, if you work at more than one college you may already be a member of MPCTA's parent organizations, because we are affiliated with the California Teachers Association and the National Education Association! When you join MPCTA, you are a member of those organizations, which also provide benefits you can use! These include:
Access to conferences focused on teaching, leadership, advocacy, and equity
Access to credit unions, retirement savings plans, insurance discounts
Discounts on travel and sightseeing
Register for the monthly webinar on member benefits HERE. It is held on the first Tuesday of the month at 4:00pm. Retirement savings and insurance discounts are coming this fall.