I wanted a friggen payload map, I love payload maps. But do I get one? No. My only option is to repeatedly drop/requeue to try to get the map I want. And why am I getting the same maps 2x in a row?!

Why can't we just have a way of picking our most wanted (or most hated) map and then have the game try to keep us out of those maps? It isn't like it HAS to have 10 Horizon's going - the server can choose whichever map it wants.

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In the days of yore, I would browse servers and find the ones playing the maps I liked and I'd just stick with that server all night. Now noone gets to play on a map they like. This is so bad in Comp that they just flat removed Horizon from rotation - couldn't this be a great way for them to see which maps people don't like?

Yep, this is super annoying. A domain list should make it easy and repeatable for users to pick a value for the field. By showing a recent lists which usually is absolutely useless is one thing, but removing those options from the full list is idiotic, confusing, frustrating, and slower for users.

I've played 3000 hours of CS:GO and quite a bit of the previous versions. A lot of the time has been spent on the highest ranks, including faceit and so on. What I want to say is that I've spent a lot of time to learn the game and there are still setups, smokes, flashes I don't know about on the current 7 maps. Now during the Christmas sale, I decided to try out r6 and I really like it so far, the game feels really good to play. But I also immediately noticed how big the maps are, it's like multiple CS maps combined in one. In other words, it will take a great amount of time to just learn one map in and out. Getting into a different map every game ruins the fun for me. I would prefer the option to pick a smaller pool of maps and focus on them instead.

It works in games like deep rock, but fails in Darktide because in deep rock, there are random maps, the maps are procedurally generated, they are not in darktide. I hate being stuck doing the SAME missions over, and over, and over, and over again back to back, because its all thats up.

And here's the thing, solution 3. works but I don't want to be deleting all those maps on my model, taking it into the engine to test and then not be able to come back to blender and fix any mistakes.

I second this, as much as some of the maps are inferior balance/entertainment wise to others, removing them from the pool will make finding a balance between available, equal skilled players and queue times that much more difficult.

Because the devs thought that forcing the players to play maps that literally nobody touches except the random 15xx hd plays would be a good idea. When most people just spam 1v1 arabia in the lobby browser in both voobly and HD, its alright to add in the rlm pool since some people including me like the rlm. But being the arena clown i was back in the day. I wish they could actually let you choose what maps to play.

I cant speak for everyone, i have no idea what everyone prefer unlike you it seems.

But personally, i prefer a variation of maps. I am really happy with playing different maps, and i would love if they added more.

Could I possibly get a step-by-step guide for using Gradient maps? I've tried using it myself but whenever I go to pick my colors it changes it to the greyscale equivalent (ie, picking light blue gives me a light grey, picking dark blue gives me a dark grey). Is there a certain layer type or spec I need to specify first or am I just going about the process wrong? Any help would be appreciated.

I'm not sure if this is possible with the native maps application specifically because the maps application may/may not have the ability to pass in information from the map itself to your activity/database.

after long absence from ArmA, I wanted to do some casual play. Pretty complex mod setup here, so maybe, someone just having heard of an issue... a quick idea? I wanted to play on Taviana, I think script also loads CUP maps... You can see, the list is not properly populated.

We have many great farms that offer pick-your-own crops in Massachusetts. We start the year with strawberries, then blueberries and raspberries, and peaches in the summer. We then move into the Fall with our #1 tradition of picking apples, and then run into pumpkins in October. Don't forget, you can also pick out a fresh Christmas tree to finish out the year.

*The availability for each of these crops may vary from year to year, especially due to weather. So, it's always a good idea to call ahead to the farm you want to visit to check on picking conditions. 

It's fun, great exercise, and you can't get any fresher than U-Pick/Pick-Your-Own!

These participants, including Wolf, all four legislative caucuses, and good government group Common Cause PA, were given a go-ahead to submit drafts. Their maps are due to the court by Monday at 5 p.m.

When it comes to building a web application with a location-based element, picking the right web mapping library can be critical to providing the correct functionality to your users. How do you determine the functionality you might need? What options are there for finding the right library and services for you and your team?

Basemaps, the underlying map that you pin your data on top of (for example a street map) can come in a variety of different formats. Historically the predominant approach was raster map tiles, which are essentially images that are stitched together in the browser. More recently vector map tiles (individual points, lines, and polygons that get rendered to the screen) were introduced. This approach benefits from the Canvas and WebGL methods mentioned above as using these technologies is very efficient with vector data. Vector map tiles are normally in the Mapbox vector map tile standard which is open and based on protobufs for efficient data transfer. Some providers such as Google do not expose their basemap tiling approach.

Using the Google Maps API requires including the Google Maps library from the CDN. There is no official way to use Google Maps via npm, apart from the API directly with node via the @google/maps package. There is an unofficial loader at google-maps which can be used, however. Using the API to create a map with JavaScript looks like this:

Esri is a large provider of mapping APIs, specializing in the presentation and analysis of complex spatial data. The ArcGIS API supports both 2D maps and 3D scenes. The ArcGIS JavaScript API is a heavy-duty mapping library that you would expect from a Geographic Information Systems company. The API shines for more in-depth applications that require features like supporting multiple overlapping layers, editing polygons, visualizing multiple types of data potentially from different sources (i.e. WMS, WFS, Vector Tiles, GeoJSON).

OpenLayers offers a robust, deep mapping API that can be used for a variety of complex applications. Out the box OpenLayers provides support for more complex features like editing polygons, heatmaps and more niche data sources like WMTS. Like Leaflet, OpenLayers is licensed under BSD 2-Clause. OpenLayers is also available on NPM and provides instructions on getting started using a bundler (Parcel in this case). The OpenLayers API uses Canvas and in some cases WebGL to give performant rendering. The API is very extensible and integrates well with other tools and frameworks. Creating a map with OpenLayers looks a little something like this:

MapBox is another provider of location and mapping services. MapBox has a variety of service products such as basemaps, location search, and routing. They provide a request-based pricing model for web users, with a strong free tier. Along with their services, MapBox also provides a series of mapping libraries, many of which are open source.

Alongside this blog post, you can review the web-mapping-libraries GitHub repository which collates the examples above for you to explore, as well as some lesser-known libraries. Hopefully, the guidance and aggregated list of libraries in this post will help steer you towards picking the library that works for you and your team!

Most information that you find on the web is copyrighted, including "free" maps like Google Maps. You may never use copyrighted resources because it can cause a lot of trouble to OSM. As a rule of thumb, use no external resources except those available in the editors. If you think you found a non-copyrighted resource that isn't available in the editors, please discuss it first using the contact channels.

So it seems to me that the lasso selection doesn't go by the lat/long coordinates, but rather will select all cities that SHARE the same name as those selected within the lasso. This doesn't seem ideal as there are several cities all over the world that have the same name. I wonder if anyone has any insight or if there is something additional I can do to correct this on my maps?

As @resevilx alluded to above, Bangkok is the most terribly designed mission. The most ridiculous part of it is the bloody CAMERAS! They are completely unnecessary and the routes that they cover are involved in almost every mission opportunity which means you have to either Mission Impossible style stealth your way around them, shoot them, go and grab one of the awkwardly placed keycards to get into the security room (which require disguises to easily pick up anyway) or use some other gamey style way to get into the security room, all of which is incredibly immersion breaking in a hotel level.

With every new update, the developers introduce something new to the game to keep it fresh and entertaining. Every six months, Valorant users get a new map as well. Since the game's release, Riot has introduced three new maps, increasing this number from four to seven. ff782bc1db

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