Now a member of both the Nigerian Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Engineering in the U.S., Ogunnaike has an impressive resume documenting his work in process and systems engineering. But he still lists the anthem in his dossier.

Arise, O Compatriots is the national anthem of Nigeria. Adopted in 1978, it replaced Nigeria, We Hail Thee. The lyrics are a combination of words and phrases written by John A. Ilechukwu, Eme Etim Akpan, B. A. Ogunnaike, Sota Omoigui, and P.O. Aderibighe. The words were put to music by the Nigerian Police Band under the directorship of Benedict Elis.

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In a statement on Wednesday, Amnesty International said it had confirmed that the Nigerian army and police killed at least 12 peaceful protesters in Lekki and Alausa, another protest ground in Lagos, after firing on thousands of peaceful demonstrators.

I remember when I was a kid in primary school, how important and sacred we treated the Nigerian national anthem, even when we didn't know why it was regarded with such reverence. This did not take the effort of anyone pointing us to its significance.

As I grew up, my views about the anthem lightened up a bit as I came in contact with unusual things about it. Like, popular musicians covering the tune, often times changing the tempo and the march band rhythm that often accompanies the melody. Sometimes they changed it to dance rhythms even. I have also heard a few rappers rap with the national anthem as their accompanying music. Just recently I heard a jazz trumpeter improvising to the chord changes of this anthem, using selected parts of the main melody as hook.

These have made me come to the conclusion that the national anthem can only be as important as one wants it to be, and thus the manner and time one chooses to perform this piece is irrelevant. What matters is the amount of importance the artist places on it, and the meaning it gives to you, or you to it.

The lyric was a combination of words and phrases taken from five of the entries in a national contest. The names of these writers were: John A. Illechukwu, Eme Etim Akpan, B. A. Ogunaike, Sota Omoigui, P. O. Aderibigbe [1].

The original piece of the anthem is in F-major, but I transposed my cover to Concert Eb Major (F-major in soprano saxophone). I hope you enjoyed the music and little backstory with history. Remember to UPVOTE and SHARE if you love

That was a lovely little read. I am still trying to figure out how they managed to take notes from five minds to make up lyrics for one anthem. Speaks much of the cultural diversity Nigeria is renowned for. Although one could argue that same diversity have become our woes as politicians have mastered fueling divides across those lines to feed their selfish desires. I digressed. ;-)

P. O. Aderibigbe was a Nigerian lawyer and poet. He was born in 1933 in Ibadan, Nigeria. He attended the University of Ibadan, where he studied law. After graduating, he worked as a lawyer in Lagos. He was also a member of the Nigerian National Anthem Committee, which was responsible for selecting the winning poem for the national anthem. Aderibigbe died in 2010.

My research examines the history of Nigeria's prisons in terms of its socio-political dimensions. In my research, I aim to analyze Nigeria's prisons and understand how they are institutionalized to control and safeguard the labor of past heroes in building the nation, as stated in the fifth line of Nigeria's national anthem. By examining the political voices of Nigeria's prisons, i focus on the power relations within prisons to uncover the hidden narratives of the Nigerian state through the voices and experiences of those who have been incarcerated.

Professionally, I also work on Country of Origin Information, Human rights/ Asylum seekers rights, Sexual violence, Victims of Torture, Early warning system, Foreign policy and National security in Nigeria. I have professional experiences with various IGOs (OHCHR Geneva, ICRC Geneva), Human Rights NGOs (Asylos, Movement to Inspire, Mission 89) and Nation-state Think tanks (The Nigerian Institute of International Affairs).

Overall, the Nigerian national anthem is about how important it is to serve the country, work together for a common goal, and ask a higher power for help. It also shows how the Nigerian people, who want peace, justice, and unity, live their lives.

This song was very moving and was used as a national symbol for a long time, from 1960 to 1978. Nigerians often sang it at official events and ceremonies, but the federal government eventually stopped it because it was written by a Briton and clarified our differences.

The committee put the pieces of the Nigeria national anthem lyrics from these five composers together to make one piece. On May 10, 1978, The delegates gave the new piece to Benedict Elide Odiase, who was in charge of music for the Nigerian Police Force.

Benedict Elide asked Professor Akin Euba for help, and the Nigerian Police Band then put the words to the anthem to music. The first time Nigerians sang this new anthem was on October 1, 1978, when General Olusegun Obasanjo was in charge.

The second stanza is usually recited in solemn events like church or mosque. The second stanza was chosen as the official national prayer by the Federal Executive Council in 2012. It was meant to replace the Christian and Muslim prayers that Nigerians often said separately at official events and gatherings.

After the national anthem, people often say the pledge with one hand raised or on the left side of their chest. Professor Felicia Adebola Adedoyin wrote the book in 1976. Even though the pledge is only a few words long, it is compelling. Here are the words:

The bill was proposed in January 2019 after spectators from Hong Kong jeered at the anthem during high-profile international soccer matches in 2015. Last year, FIFA fined the Hong Kong Football Association after fans booed the national anthem at a World Cup qualifying game. e24fc04721

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