How To Fix Firefox Black Screen Issue

How it feels is that the Mozilla Firefox screen goes black in the middle of something important. We understand that these pounds are very frustrating. No doubt Mozilla Firefox is a highly preferable web browser, but something users encounter is the Firefox Black Screen Issue. This is a type of error in which the screen goes blank or blank while surfing. The browser stops showing tabs and taskbar and creates, and the user sometimes freaks out in between.

Don’t panic, as Firefox has explained the reason for this blackout. The Estates that this is caused due to a bug in the recent update of Firefox. The new feature Off Main Thread Compositing(OMTC) causes a black screen issue. But you do not need to worry! Because you have landed on the correct blog. In this blog, we added a fusion of reasons and solutions to this bug. Readers are advised to read the entire blog to understand better the key and the reason for the black screen problem.

In some cases, it is caused due to damaged and corrupted graphic card drivers, hardware acceleration in Firefox, and many others. We have itemized some reasons for the same.

Installation of the new driver, extension, Antivirus

Updating Mozilla Firefox

Troubleshoot for black screen error in Mozilla Firefox

Key 1:Deactivate the hardware acceleration

The first step is to open Firefox and type “about preferences” in the address bar, followed by a click on the “enter” button.

Under the first step, scroll down to “preference” and check ”Use recommended performance settings”.

The underperformance setting unchecks the “use hardware acceleration when available”, which finally disabled the hardware acceleration.

The final step is to close “Firefox” and reboot your “computer”.

Key 2:Start using Firefox in Safe Mode

On the Firefox preface, click in the top right corner of the “three lines” icon.

From the “menu” option, click on “help” and hit the button on “Restart with add-ons disabled”.

Proceed by clicking on the “restart “ option from the pop-up.

After the “Firefox” restart, it will ask the user to choose between “Start in safe mode” or “Refresh Firefox”.

Select “Start with safe mode” and hope the issue is resolved now.

Key 3:Update Firefox with latest fixes

Follow the same step of opening the menu from the “three lines” icon in the top right corner

Now select “About Firefox” from the “Help “ option

“Firefox” will start checking for “recent updates” and downloading quick “fixes” to the browser by performing this step.

Reboot your “PC” and save the “recent changes”

Key 4:Disable Antivirus and Firewall temporarily

In this method, the first step is to select the “Antivirus Program” icon from the system tray and select the “Disable.”

The next step is to select each “time frame” for which Antivirus will remain disabled

Once the changes saved, check if the error resolved or not

Navigate and choose control panel

Next, click on System and security

Following the previous step, click on windows firewall

Now from the next window pane, activate the windows firewall

Now turn off the windows firewall and then again check for the resolution of the error

For more advanced technical assistance, you can always call Mozilla Firefox Phone Number.

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